This year, I made a goal of traveling to one new country each month. I will try my best to achieve this, but of course, I won’t kick myself for failing. Sometimes, life gets busy and it’s hard to set such strange goals! But the least I can do is try. For January, the country […]
Why Serums are a MUST

There’s been a lot of buzz in the last few years on skin care regimens. Many of which typically include 10-20 different steps (at least for the popularized Korean skin care regimens out there). But steps aside, one of the most important steps that you absolutely cannot skip is serums. If you want to give […]
The Story Behind My Wedding Dress

Hello there! I recently took a stroll down memory lane after accidentally coming across some old wedding photos on my Google account. That’s when I realized that I never really got around to posting anything about my wedding! Today I’d like to share with you the story of my wedding dress. It’s a strange story. […]
A Perfect Plan for Your Honeymoon

Honeymoon is a serious venture. Therefore, you cannot approach this important event without planning. What to do on your honeymoon? Where to go? How to spend your money effectively? You should do what’s best for you and your partner. Choose a great place to go, perhaps, something exotic, something you’ve always dreamt about. Compromise and […]
Maple Holistics Tea Tree Oil Shampoo Review

Hello! I’m excited to share with you my latest go-to brand for shampoo, Maple Holistics. I’ve been using Maple Holistics’ shampoo for about 8 months now. I first discovered the shampoo on Amazon and was blown away by the great reviews, good price, ingredients, and overall value. Having dyed my hair regularly for the past […]
Museum of Ice Cream, SF

A couple of weeks ago, I had the chance to visit the Museum of Ice Cream, San Francisco location. This IG famous pop-up art museum started in Los Angeles, but not long after expanded to New York and now San Francisco. I haven’t personally been to the other locations, so I have nothing to really compare to. But […]
London, United Kingdom

On November 24, 2015, we arrived in London at 7:25pm. From the airport, we had to take the bus and subway in order to get to our hotel. By the time we had settled down into our new room, we decided to call it a night. We had after all, been traveling around earlier that […]
Vienna, Austria

We arrived in Vienna on November 22, 2015 at 2:05pm. From the airport, we took a train to the city center. The printed ticket for the train system was high tech, using technology typically only seen on currency. During our train ride, I saw walls of tasteful graffiti and actual stand alone homes (unlike my […]
Bunny 3 Color Cherie Gray Circle Lens Review

It’s been a while since my last circle lens review. Today I’ll be sharing with you a review on Bunny 3 Color Cherie Gray circle lens (available for $18 from These lens were sponsored to me by During the time that I haven’t been blogging (amount a 6 month hiatus), these have been […]
Game of Thrones ‘Oathkeeper’ Sword Tattoo

My last blog post was about a present that I got from participating in the Reddit Game of Thrones gift exchange. Since, I’m already on the GoT train, I figured I’d share with you all my latest tattoo. Say hello to Brienne of Tarth’s sword, Oathkeeper — sister Valyrian steel longsword to Widow’s Wail. This […]