My last blog post was about a present that I got from participating in the Reddit Game of Thrones gift exchange. Since, I’m already on the GoT train, I figured I’d share with you all my latest tattoo. Say hello to Brienne of Tarth’s sword, Oathkeeper — sister Valyrian steel longsword to Widow’s Wail. This […]
Reddit Game of Thrones Gift Exchange

I’ve had this post queued for a while, believe it or not. But somewhere along the way, I just stopped posting. This is probably one of the easier ways for me to start posting again since I already have the images prepared (haha yes I cheat). I got this amazing pop up book featuring an […]
Reddit Star Wars Gift Exchange

Can’t believe it’s already November! I’ll be going on vacation in Europe later this month, and by the time I return it will already be December… and you know what’s going down in December… STAR WARS! Of course when I saw that Reddit Gifts was doing a Star Wars gift exchange, how could I refuse? […]
Reddit Jewelry Gift Exchange

Usually I like to reserve Reddit gift exchanges for all of my geeky interests, but this time I decided to try something new. JEWELRY! Here’s what I got from the gift exchange. I love lots and lots of silver. Thanks Renee (aka Teenkerbelle_NOLA) for the thoughtful gift! Got these 3 necklaces with black string and silver […]
Reddit Game of Thrones Gift Exchange

This past weekend, I went camping with family at Yosemite National Park. When I returned late Sunday night, I found my Game of Thrones reddit gift waiting for me at my door. I love getting things in the mail (but who doesn’t?!)! I was super excited to open my package to see what I got […]
Reddit Gifts: Secret Santa

This is my first year participating in the Reddit Secret Santa gift exchange. I was super hesitant to take part because in the past, I’ve been left giftless by both my secret santa and rematch (it was the Sailor Moon exchange for anyone whose curious). However, RedditGifts did an excellent job of spamming my email […]
Reddit Final Fantasy Gift Exchange

So I participated in the Final Fantasy RedditGift exchange. It seems like Reddit and its users know exactly what I’m interested in. I also took part in a Sailor Moon exchange! But haven’t been sent anything yet… I hope my secret santa doesn’t forget… Anyways, just wanted to do a post on what I got from […]
Black Diamond Gyarusa @ J-Pop Summit (Photo Heavy)

Hello beauties! I have a photo heavy post for you today. Many weeks ago I had the chance to attend San Francisco’s J-Pop Summit in Japan town. The main reason I wanted to attend was so that I could see Black Diamond perform live! How amazing is that? I got the chance to see them perform […]
Anime Expo: Fashion Show & Shops

Hello! This year I was fortunate enough to be able to get a press badge for my husband and myself to attend Anime Expo 2014. We went on Friday and Saturday. With that said, let’s get on with today’s post! In this post we will focus on the AX Fashion Show & Shops. There were four brands that came over from Japan […]
Reddit Rilakkuma Gift Exchange

Recently I participated in a Reddit Gift Exchange. The theme for this gift exchange was all things Rilakkuma! … and how can I not participate? I LOVE RILAKKUMA!! Here’s what I got from my Secret Santa. So much Rilakkuma goodness, huh? I am having a mini-heart attack from the kawaii overload from looking at the photo […]