Haven’t had the chance to blog lately, so this just a quick and easy post so that I can feel productive. Life’s been better, but it’s okay, I’m handling one problem at a time, one day at a time. We all get through the bad and into good soon enough! I bought these swim suits […]
My New Favorite Glasses!

Happy Friday! Today’s blog post is on my newest glasses, sponsored to me by Firmoo.com. I feel like I have so many glasses now that I need a better way to organize them! Let me know if you have any tips on organizing glasses and sunglasses, hehe. The pair that I picked from Firmoo is Rena […]
EXD Experience A Different Color Sunglass Review

Happy Friday~ Got these beautiful sunglasses in the mail many weeks ago from klenspop.com for reviewing purposes, and finally got the chance to actually do it! For those who haven’t heard, K-LENSPOP is now selling sunglasses (besides your usual circle lens and what not). The sunglasses that they are selling are from the brand EXD (Experience A Different […]
8 Fashion Essentials Every Mid-20’s Woman Should Own

Hello~ Today I have for you my 8 fashion essentials that you should own if you are in your mid-20’s! First off, I want you to understand that this is a very materialist post. You can even say that it is “status” related. My opinion is that if you are in your mid-20’s, you should […]
New Job, New Firmoo Glasses!

Good Morning I’m happy to present to you my new glasses that I will be wearing to my new job at Cisco. As I’ve mentioned before in the past, it’s very bad to wear contacts (especially circle lens) day after day and for long hours. I can’t stress more to you on this matter. I’ve […]
OOTD: Forever 21

Been looking for a new graphic design job in the Bay Area, but haven’t really looked hard enough. Getting more serious with my searches now however, and have been getting better results! While I’m not job searching, I’m doing other things such as online shopping (yea, I know I shouldn’t be) and playing games. But […]
“Both your hands in the holes of my sweater…”

Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve been able to write a decent post. We finally got settled into our new home in Northern California! Life was hectic for a bit and I had pieces of it flying around like dog sh*t, but now I’m getting everything pieced back together. The wedding has passed, honeymoon […]
Winter Faux Fur Collar Trend

A booming new trend this winter is Faux Fur. Whether it be faux fur jackets, hats, or vests, you don’t want to miss out on this seasons biggest fashion trend. If you want to get in on this faux fur trend, or simply try it out without too much commitment, I recommend getting a faux […]
November & December Shopping Buys

Hello! I’m so sorry I haven’t posted. But whatever, I am now. Today, I am showing things that I’ve bought since… oh my… maybe late October? Let’s have a look shall we? CuteX Advanced Revival Nail Polish Remover $6 OPI Natural Nail Base Coat $6 OPI Top Coat $6 Victorias Secret Runway Angel (Free with Coupon) Delon+ […]
Bras For The Bigger Bust

A few days ago, I was at the mall shopping for some new underwear. While I was in one lingerie store, I noticed a lady with a larger bust complaining about how the store only accommodated for smaller sizes. As I looked around, I realised she was right – there was not a single bra […]