Here are some more photos of Dumpling! She’s so cute, ahhhhh~! When I look at these photos it makes me wanna go home to play with her >.<* What a cutie *Enjoy*
FOTD: Cute Gyaru with Personality

I think this girl is so cute! My coworker saw this picture just now and thought it was horrifying.. But I think its so awesome! I totally love how she’s so colorful. Cotton candy pink hair is one of my favorite colors for hair. And lime green is my favorite color in general, so I […]
FOTD: Cute Bleach Blonde Gyaru

Pretty cute, I gotta admit. I love her lens color too. It’s such a brilliant and bright turquoise/blue color. Also, I love how perfect her skin looks! I’m pretty sure it’s photoshopped though, but who cares right? I can’t imagine anyone being human and having that kind of poreless and flawless skin. Regardless however, she […]