First off, does anyone play The Simpsons: Tapped Out? It’s a mobile app game if you wanna play. Add me: “sayarim.” Also, I got the beta for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Anyone playing this? Lol, just looking for people to play with. Okay, now onto the post! Just last week, I dyed my […]
l’oreal superior preference champagne blonde
L’Oréal Superior Preference Champagne Blonde Hair Dye Review

I’ve been spending a ton of money dying my hair at the hair salon lately, so I decided to dye my own hair this time since I haven’t done so in a long time. I choose to use L’Oréal Superior Preference in 8 1/2A Champagne Blonde (Cooler). I got it for about ~$8 from my […]