FOTD: Gyaru with Sexy Red Lips, RAWR

photo of the day gyaru

photo of the day gyaru

I love this photo. I’ve actually had it sitting on my desktop for several days now. And I can’t help but looking at it every now and then. Something about how this photo was taken and something about the girl really intrigues me. I can’t stop staring!! I love her make up too, especially how her red lipstick is drawn in. It really goes together well with the contouring of her nose and her eyebrows. Even how her eyeliner is drawn in towards the tear duct. I’M OBSESSED!!! 😀

2 Replies to “FOTD: Gyaru with Sexy Red Lips, RAWR”

  1. Do you by chance, know who she is?

    1. I’m sorry, I have no idea who she is! I wish I did.. she’s hot huh? lol.

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