WonderCon Anaheim Convention Center

This year, I had the privilege of attending WonderCon. I’m not sure that I want to go to ComicCon this July, but I’m sure I’ll go at least one of the days.

WonderCon took place March 29-31, 2013 at the Anaheim Convention Center. I only attended on Saturday since I didn’t want to take work off on Friday or drive back down again Sunday.

This was my first time attending a comic type convention. Usually I just go to Anime Expo. I did however enjoy WonderCon a lot. I see it as the best of everything. I really love sci-fi and anime/cute related things, and WonderCon has both.

I was lucky enough to get two professional 3-day badges as well!! Too bad I only went for one day, what a waste since the convention was sold out!

While making my rounds in the exhibit hall, I noticed Raphael Sbarge sitting at one of the booths. You may recognize him as Jiminy Cricket in Once Upon a Time, or the voice of Kaidan Alenko in Mass Effect.

I was pretty star shy after I saw him so I just kinda stood a bit aways, but he noticed me and started talking to me! He was really nice and agreed to take a photo with me.

There were lots of other stars at the show such as Chewbacca, who was played by Peter Mayhew.

There was also one of the spaceship vehicles used in next month’s movie, Oblivion. Pretty cool huh?

Can you believe that there is an R2-D2 Building Club?? Wtf! How awesome is that? I would really love to join and build one… Maybe I’ll add it to my list of things to do.

Do you see him??? The guy with all of the white hair… That’s Stan Lee!! There were so many staff people around him though, and they won’t let you hang around the area or take any photos of him.

Something I’ve noticed for the past year is how much Mine Craft has grown. It really had a strong presence at WonderCon for sure! Haha, I’ll have to play this game one day soon.

Here’s outside of the convention center. This is where most of the cosplayers were hanging out.

Lol, look at all of the photographers, so many!

This is what those photographers were taking a photo of. A pretty large group of Marvel related cosplayers.

Now I’ll let you look at some cosplay photos that my boyfriend took while we were at WonderCon. One thing I might say is that WonderCon ain’t got nothin’ on Anime Expo’s cosplay.

Steampunk is so popular now!! and I love it!

Why Khaleesi, where are your dragons??

Friggin’ awesome Borderlands cosplay. If I did cosplay, I would have done this game fasho. Love the makeup.

Me and z boyfriend hanging outside the convention center.

The weather was very nice and I was tired of holding my giant My Little Pony bag that almost dragged on the floor everywhere I walked.

So the story on this bag. When I got to the We Love Fine booth, I saw these huge shopping bags. They had two different versions, the one I got (MLP on both sides) and another one that had Adventure Time on one side and Hello Kitty on another.

When I saw the gigantic MLP shopping bag, I just had to have it. There was a $20 minimum purchase, so I found a T-shirt that I liked and it ended up costing me about $30. *sigh* All this for a shopping bag that I dont know what to do with.. Lol, but it was too cute and I couldn’t resist. It has a lot of the MLP main characters on one side and I love it because it makes me happy when I see it.

This is the shirt that I ended up getting. A pixelated Rainbow Dash!

After WonderCon, I met up with a very special friend, Hannah! She’s awesome and I love her very much.

We took some purikura. Haha, I always suck at taking these.

We said our goodbyes to each other in the parking lot and took a couple last photos together. It was great seeing you Hannah and I can’t wait to see you again (soon hopefully).


One last important thing before I wrap up this post. I just want to share an amazing sci-fi story with all of you. I’m not sure how many of you like to read books, but if you do… You should definitely check out Caelum-Lex.com.

Caelum-Lex posts fun supplementary materials that adds to the story on Mondays and Wednesdays, and on Fridays they post a new chapter. All of the reading is absolutely free.

I keep up with this sci-fi story and it’s really great! If you love the TV show, Firefly, then you will really like this read.

Besides just being an awesome sci-fi story, there is also amazing artwork!! I am truly a fan of all the drawings. Each one is an art piece in itself.

Check it out now!!! CAELUM-LEX.COM!!

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xoxo Sarah

16 Replies to “WonderCon Anaheim Convention Center”

  1. Lucky you to get to go to WonderCon! Assassin’s cosplay *A*, ,that Borderlands cosplay is spot on!

    1. yes borderlands!!! 😀
      it really is super spot on. haha, too bad salvador is not my character~

  2. Pretty cool XD
    Homer Simpson haha ^^

    恵美より ♥

    1. haha gotta love the simpsons! 🙂

  3. Oh my gosh, that looked like so much fun! Your MLP bag is HUGE XD

    Also, I nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award! (^-^)


    1. oh i didnt see this comment! lol but i saw on your blog already!! thanks so much, you’re too sweet <3
      and YES! it sure is a HUGEEE MLP bag!! lollll

  4. Hi Sweetie.
    Wow the cosplay of Iroman is really georgeus.
    Really georgeus looks that convention.


    1. yea the ironman cosplay was pretty good! and the guy looked sorta like him too. haha. plus it lit up and everything 🙂

  5. Amazing!!! I want to attend this event. I miss cosplaying! 🙂

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    1. oh cool~ you used to cosplay? i wanna seeee……!!

  6. Thanks for sharing Sarah! I’ve never attended one of these conventions but they look like so much fun. My hubby is a big sci-fi fan. I’ll have to let him know about Caelum-Lex.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

    1. yes please do share with your husband!! 😀

  7. seeing all of the fun costumes would probably be my favorite part. and meeting some cool artists, too.

    1. looking at all the different cosplays is always my favorite part 🙂

  8. OMG I love going to these conventions!! THEY ARE AWESOME! And I think that shirt was totally worth it for the bag. THE BAG IS AMAZING!! 🙂 So many good cosplays =)

    1. Yes I love the shirt and the bag is too cool. Haha. Glad we share similar interests! 🙂

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