Secret Cosmetics Cakeys Body Scrub (Milk Tea) Review Shorts

secret cosmetics cakeys body scrub

I’m starting a new form of review on my blog called “Shorts.” These reviews that are labeled shorts won’t be as in depth as my normal reviews, but will mainly focus on whether or not the product works and if it is recommended. So let’s get started with my very first review shorts!

Today I’d like to share with you Secret Cosmetics Cakeys Body Scrub (Milk Tea). I got this as a birthday gift a while back, and have recently been using it as my daily body scrub.

secret cosmetics cakeys body scrub

The texture of this body scrub is gel-like with super fine grains. What I like is that when you work it into your skin, in a circular motion, you can feel the fine grains slowly melt away over the course of a couple mins. I don’t use this on my entire body, but typically focus on my elbows and spread it onto the rest of my arms, and then my knees, back of my thighs, and butt.

I’ve noticed that this scrub has done a good job in reducing the appearance of cellulite on the back of my thighs. So I’m quite happy and willing to use this product every time I step into the shower. 

As for the milk tea scent, I don’t really notice it too much. I’m just grateful that it’s not an orange scent, I’m pretty sick of orange now. Though their may be a lack of smell, this scrub leaves my skin feeling ultra smooth and soft after I’m done showering.

I recommend Secret Cosmetics Cakeys Body Scrub

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Thanks for reading!
xoxo Sarah 

2 Replies to “Secret Cosmetics Cakeys Body Scrub (Milk Tea) Review Shorts”

  1. Yay I love the idea of short reviews 🙂 I’m not a fan of body scrubs but this one sounds so interesting I’d love to try it out! And milk tea scent is so unique! *-*

    1. haha i should rename review shorts to lazy reviews. but yea, this scrub is pretty cool, def a must try if you can get your hands on it. i got it as a gift so i have no idea where to buy!

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