Been looking for a new graphic design job in the Bay Area, but haven’t really looked hard enough. Getting more serious with my searches now however, and have been getting better results! While I’m not job searching, I’m doing other things such as online shopping (yea, I know I shouldn’t be) and playing games. But […]
“Both your hands in the holes of my sweater…”

Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve been able to write a decent post. We finally got settled into our new home in Northern California! Life was hectic for a bit and I had pieces of it flying around like dog sh*t, but now I’m getting everything pieced back together. The wedding has passed, honeymoon […]
DIY Kawaii Rilakkuma Keychain

<( hello loves~! ) I was away in San Diego for the past 3 days, and my old Macbook didn’t work properly. Result: I got no work done and also never got to do a blog post!! Today I am going to share with you my new keychain! This is what it looked like before… ughh~ […]
Tune In Tokyo: Otsukare-Sama Royal/T (TT-TT)/

Finally… photos from the Tune In Tokyo event OTSUKARE-SAMA at Royal/T for their going away party… Lots of ultra cute shops, as per usual. And you should know from my last blog post that I bought a new Rilakkuma cell phone case from one of them.. or if you follow me on Twitter/Instagram @xlicious, I posted […]