Shibuya Lovers Night @ Garden Suite Hotel Bar

photo from tata photography

Recently I attended Tune In Tokyo’s Shibuya Lovers Night Valentines Day event at the Garden Suite Hotel Bar, Purple.

shibuya lovers night flier

The venue was super small compared to how I would have imagined it to be. But none the less, it was still very pretty. I especially loved the bottles that covered the walls. They changed colors too!

garden suite hotel purple bar

The night started out kind of slow, but it began to pick up as more people drank alcohol and as more people arrived. The downside of the venue is that the bartenders didn’t really know what they were doing and on top of that they didn’t speak english very well. But the dj’s were great!

photo from tata photography

Met this guy Rex and his friends at the event. He was a very sweet guy and bought me and my friend Grace a shot. We didn’t even know that the bar served shots! lol we actually asked too but the korean bartender couldn’t understand us =___=v

gyaru at shibuya lovers night event

Always happy to meet others who share the same interest as me in gyaru fashion. Too bad I look horrible in this picture! But everyone else looks lovely  ♥

Here are some camera whoring pictures of me and my friend Grace. Lol, the pictures came out not as good as I would of liked because my boyfriend sucks at taking photos. But I’ll share them with you all anyways.

camera whoring

Us being silly on the stair way… Totally not ready for most of these photo takes.

camera whoring

I actually like the photo in the middle, but too bad it came out blurry~

camera whoring

Lol here we are with a Father and Son playing checkers.. We are disturbing their game.

camera whoring

This is actually my favorite picture of the night. Love it! Ahahaha, especially Grace’s expression. Priceless.

Hope you enjoyed my photos!


2 Replies to “Shibuya Lovers Night @ Garden Suite Hotel Bar”

  1. Hello 🙂 I google searched Shibuya Lovers Night and I came across your blog!
    Lovely blog you’ve got here!
    I dont know if you remember me but it’s Nana from the event (I was wearing the stripes)
    It was so nice to meet you and your friend Grace!
    Alot of the gals in the area are always down to hangout 😉
    I followed you on twitter~
    Hope to see you at another event soon!
    Btw, I reblogged our photo on my tumblr and credited you (I hope you dont mind).

    xo Nana

    1. Hi Nana! ooOo I’m happy that you were able to stumble across my blog! 🙂 You’re so cute! I am going to be at the Harajuku Holiday event tonight at Royal/T with Grace. I hope to see you there!? I totally don’t mind you reblogging our photo together, anytime~

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