Since I haven’t made any posts for a while, I will go ahead and update you with what’s been going on in my life the last few weeks.
My Dad’s 80th Birthday Party
So not too long ago, it was my dad’s 80th birthday. In Chinese tradition, when you turn 80, you are supposed to have a big celebration. Did I tell you that 8 is my favorite number? One of my tattoos has to do with the number 8, too! Anyways, so for the last several months, I’ve been kinda stressed out because my entire family decided to go on vacation and leave all of the birthday planning to me. I ended booking a ball room at a nice mountain top restaurant, crazy buffet dinner, getting professional photographers, cake, center pieces, slideshows, speeches, favors, inviting relatives from all over the world, and much much more. It was a bit hectic, but thankfully it all ended well and everyone appeared to have a good time. Overall the birthday was a lot of fun.. and a lot of money. I think we ended up spending over 5k for the entire event. But it was all well worth it. Although I do wish the photographers took better photos and more of them. And I wish I had gotten a chance to eat. I think I was way to nervous trying to make the birthday go smoothly that I didn’t get to enjoy any food. Oh well, cheers to my dad!

Jamie & Romin’s Wedding
I have officially attended my first wedding for a very good high school classmate. I guess I am now beginning that age where people who are my peers are getting married. It’s quite an awe striking moment when you realize that your life is progressing so quickly while you still feel like your a kid. I’m already at that age where your life can go in infinite directions and each turn is oh so important towards your future. Enough talk about life. The wedding was simply beautiful and literally brought tears to my eyes. Haha, it was also good for me to see what kind of wedding I should be planning for myself in the future.. ha!

NorCal Trip for my Cousin’s Birthday
So this is kind of crazy, but I drove all the way up to NorCal for my cousins brunch birthday party. Lol, I think it was about a 7 hour drive and maybe a $800+ weekend. Oh well, lots of good memories and partying. We lived it large up in the bay!

My First Thrash Metal Concert
Grace invited me to my first thrash metal concert to see her friend’s band (Marauding Ghouls) perform, along with the headlining bands, Black Tusk and Municipal Waste!! The concert was at the Key Club on Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood. It was a ton of fun, besides the fact that we almost died in the parking lot before even arriving at the concert (long story made short, but we got trapped in a stair way and managed to escape). The concert was fun and very violent/dangerous if you got too close to the mosh pit. People were doing back flips and jumping off of the stage into the audience to crowd surf, but not all of them turned out well if you catch my drift. Anyways, it was a head banging night! Check out the video I uploaded to see what it’s like if you’ve never been before.
Diablo and Work
Besides the random highlights of my past couple of weeks, I’ve been totally trapped in the world of Diablo. I feel like I’ve been farming for gold in Inferno forever. But anyways, if you want to do runs together with me, just add me: sayarim#1183. I’m usually on every day after work depending on whether or not I have plans. Haha, but usually as of late, my plans have been to play games. Anyways, besides playing games, I’ve been busy with work freelancing. I just recently finished designing a website for a medical company. Also, at my day job, I am working on some fun designs for Hello Kitty! I’ll blog about it once the site for Hello Kitty launches, but it won’t be up for another several weeks. I am very excited to share it with you however.
Even though my blog posts have been slow the last week and a half, my shopping hasn’t taken a break. I have a whole lot of reviews in stored for you guys. I think you will be very interested in what I have coming up!!! Stay tuned!
Okay, now you are caught up with my life. I really feel like I’m missing some thing, but oh well. Lol here are a few more pictures that I want to post but don’t know where to post.
Hope you enjoyed reading!
xoxo Sarah