Estée Lauder Idealist Pore Minimizing Skin Refinisher Review

I never had trouble with having large pores on my nose until I decided one day to start messing with them.

I remember the exact day where it all started. It was when I first saw my boyfriend in the bathroom looking at the mirror. He was using his nails and squeezing his nose to get white heads out. My mistake was that I got curious and started examining my own nose to try to get some heads out as well. This was a horrible decision that has lead me down a long path to finding out how to become pore perfect once again.

After doing much research, the product that I decided to turn to for help was Estée Lauder’s Idealist Pore Minimizing Skin Refinisher. I ordered mine from the Estée Lauder website for about ~$50 for the 1 FL. OZ.

Estée Lauder’s pore minimizer comes in 3 different sizes. The smallest is the 1 fluid ounce (the one I got), next is the 1.7, and the largest is the 3.4.

I got the smallest size because I wasn’t sure how much I would like this product and it is quite pricey. I also got it from Estée Lauder’s website because other department stores such as Macy’s did not sell the smallest size.

Plus, I was able to get some added bonuses such as a sample and my lovely Sensuous Nude perfume that I keep in my purse. All I did to get some extras was Google search “Estée Lauder promo code.” Haha, I search for promo codes for all of my online shoppings when applicable.

This product claims to do a lot of different things. I actually only ever used this product on my nose. I haven’t used it on the rest of my face, I think this is important to mention!

What the product claims to do and my thoughts on it:

  • fast acting treatment – you will notice results after using it everyday for a week or two
  • turns skin to silk instantly – it is pretty instant, but I don’t feel like my skin has turned to silk, I just feel like the formula that they have feels like silk (therefore: your skin + silky forumla = silky forumla on your skin, not real silky skin)
  • dramatic skin resurfacing – not sure how to test for this, I think they are just trying to sound fancy
  • minimizes pores – it definitely minimizes pores to the max, but you need to make sure that you clean out your pores as well, or else it will minimize your pore until it can’t anymore because of the junk in your pores
  • soft and smooth – yes, it is smooth and soft, and makes your skin feel that way for a bit, you should make sure to moisturize afterwards
  • clear and even toned skin – I agree that my skin is clear and even toned, but I’m not sure that it is from this product since I didn’t have trouble with this on my nose to begin with

Here’s a look at the container and the directions on the back side of it.

I’m going to go ahead and write my directions for this product (I do this every night):

  1. Wash your face with warm water and your favorite facial cleanser.
  2. Use some kinda product to clean out your pores (ex: face brush, pore stripes, etc.)
  3. Smooth on the Estée Lauder formula with clean hands.
  4. Apply your favorite moisturizer.

I like the bottle and think it’s very practical. It’s made of plastic and not glass, so it’s quite light. You can easily bring the smallest size of this product on the airplane as it meets TSA guidelines.

The bottle uses a pump, but it can be easy twisted off incase you want to open it up later on to scrape out more product.

I typically only use half a pump or less since the area of my nose isn’t very big. I have been using this product for months now, and I still have a good amount left. I am estimating that the smallest size of this bottle will last me at least 8 months, if not a year.

However, if you are planning on using this product on your entire face, you will probably run through it a lot quicker than me. I’m assuming it would take you about 2-3 months.

Overall, I really love this product and I believe that it does what I want it to do — make my pores smaller!!

Important Note:

The only thing that I must say is that you really can’t use this product alone. If you only wash your face and use this product afterwards to shrink your pores, it will shrink them. But it will shrink your pores with whatever dirt you have inside of them. If you don’t clean out your pores well, you will end up with pores that are so tight and small that they have become little bumps on your nose because it’s trying to squeeze out the dirt but it can’t. This makes it even more difficult to clean out your pores once you have shrunk the size of them. Make sure you are using other supplementary methods to clean out your pores so that you can have the best results!!!

Estée Lauder Idealist Pore Minimizing Skin Refinisher Overall Rating: ★★★★★

  • This is an excellent product that I highly recommend if you have enlarged pores
  • You need to find the best routine that helps you get the best results from this product
  • It’s pricey, but if you are only planning on using this product for your nose like I do, the smallest size will probably last you at least 8 months
  • Very simple to use, just wash your face and clean out your pores every now and then and use this product nightly before your moisturizer
  • Makes your skin seem soft and silky, but you should still moisturize
  • Doesn’t make your skin feel tight or dry
  • Safe for sensitive skin or those who are prone to acne
  • Bottom line: This product works

12 Replies to “Estée Lauder Idealist Pore Minimizing Skin Refinisher Review”

  1. I love Estee Lauder stuff but
    they are so darn pricey :c I
    want to try this Night Serum
    thingy as well! Kind of a
    bummer that the smallest
    size is made out of plastic
    and not glass 😛 oh well


    1. haha yea, it doesnt bother me that its not glass. but, i guess for the price that you pay for it, it should be made out of glass!

  2. wow the better work since they are pricy xD nice review!

    visit my blog ^^

    1. haha thank goodness it does work!

  3. Eek you shouldn’t squeeze your skin :D!
    Sounds like a nice product tho 🙂
    xo, L

    1. lol yes.. i learned not to squeeze my skin. its so hard not to sometimes though! especially when i get close to the mirror and i start seeing all my imperfections up close. omg, horrible. good thing i dont own a magnifying mirror!

  4. great that it leaves skin smooth and soft! i like the bottle cover : )! thanks for sharing and visiting us earlier !


    1. thanks for your comment! hope to see you around again soon for the giveaway 🙂

  5. I’m such a sucker for pore minimizing products! This one I want! Woot~! 🙂
    Keep in touch! (^_^) Happy weekend!

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    ❤ ~Chai
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    1. yes! you should give this product a try and add it to your to buy/wish list 😀

  6. What a great review! I should try this as well.

    1. thanks and yes you should 😀

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