Day One: Arriving in Kauai, Hawaii

Hi everyone! I’m finally back with a post!

I have a lot of Hawaii photos from my dSLR, iPhone, and also GoPro. So I hope you don’t mind if I’m separating my trip into days. I’ll try to group up certain days or activities as best as I can though! There’s so much that I want to share with you guys…

Okay, lets begin!

I began to pack for Hawaii the night before. Theres something about last minute packing that I really like. Below is a little drawing that I made to help me prepare.

For the entire duration of the trip, we flew Hawaiian Airlines. We went on the plane so many times…

LA > Honolulu > Kauai > Maui > Kauai > Honolulu > LA

After two flights, we finally arrived in Kauai, Hawaii. We didn’t have a rental car so we had to take a taxi to our hotel at the Grand Hyatt.

The Grand Hyatt is amazing. Here’s my view when I first walked into the hotel. You can look all the way through the hotel towards the ocean. Yea, my photo sucks, but just close your eyes and imagine the beach right there in front of you.

To the left and the right of this grand entrance (pictured below is the right side) was this massive room for checking in and also signing up for activities and events.

Once we checked in, we were brought to our rooms. We got a king and queen size bed!

I loved this hotel because it’s the first one that I’ve been to that lets you drink all the drinks in the refrigerator without charging you!

The bathroom never looked so white the rest of the trip, lol.

Our little balcony… too bad it didn’t face the ocean. But our bell boy said, more reason to hang out by the pool or on the actual beach, right? He was so right.

The Grand Hyatt had the most beautiful pool facilities that I’ve been to thus far. With several different fresh water pool layouts, slides, jacuzzi…

lazy river that went everywhere…

and even their own salt water pool with real sand bottom… it doesn’t get much better. It’s actually so nice that you don’t even need to really go into the beach waters around here, haha. You can swim at their pools but still get a beautiful ocean view.

The first thing we did after arriving to the hotel and putting our bags down in our room was explore the premises. The hotel spreads across over 50 acres of land!

This is the Hawaii state bird, the Nene, which is a type of goose.

Another gorgeous view of the hotel!

Some other hotel guests caught us trying to take photos of ourselves and offered to take a photo for us. Haha, good idea. Too bad I look so nasty in all of these photos since we’ve been sitting on the plane all day and I have no make up on. I want to scratch out my face!

Right in front of our hotel is a beautiful beach. It’s soooo easy and effortless to walk to.

Though the beach is nice, I wouldn’t say its the prettiest beach that I’ve been to in Hawaii for swimming. But I think it’s just nice to have this view. There’s also tons of hiking trails right around the hotel as well, like the cliff in the photo above!

On a lot of the beaches in Kauai, we found monk seals, both black ones and white ones… simply laying on the sand sleeping. When they sleep, they sleep for hours and they do not like to be disturbed, so the locals put up fencing to keep tourists from bothering them.

Once we finished exploring the hotel premises and the beach infront of it, we headed over to the convient store and bought some Maui Brewed Coconut Beer and hung out by the pool and swam until dinner time.

One thing I really enjoy about Hawaii is looking at all of the interesting greenery. There are lots of trees that have these branches (sorta like roots) growing out of them and into the ground.

Us hanging around, haha.. yes I know too much PDA.

At night, we went to a welcoming reception. If you didn’t know already, part of this trip was paid for by Erick’s company. They paid for the round trip flights, 3 night stay at the Grand Hyatt in Kauai, and gave us $1000 spending cash. His company has an annual presidents club vacation trip for those who qualify, and this year they went to Hawaii.

At the welcoming reception they had complimentary appetizers.

These were my favorite of the appetizers, delicious egg rolls. I can’t even begin to count how many of those I had.

This was pretty good as well.

I’m not sure what this one is, but it has a little curry taste to it.

The welcoming reception also had an open bar. Sweeeettt.

We finished the night with drinks and good times. We also took all of our snorkel gear out to the lazy river and swam under water at night which was surprisingly fun! Well, fun until we kept swimming and started seeing couples doing stuff from an underwater perspective! Haha.

Well that sums up our first night in Hawaii!! Stay tuned to find out more on our Hawaii trip.

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Thanks for reading
xoxo Sarah


22 Replies to “Day One: Arriving in Kauai, Hawaii”

  1. Yay! Omg the resort looks soo extravagant >.< Grand Hyatt Hotels are always the top ones. Reminds me of the time I went to Jamaica, free all-you-can-drink alcohol too! This is a legit resort experience!

    1. ooOo thats awesome that you went to Jamaica! i actually wanted to go there for a honeymoon. i dont know about now, but before i did. haha all you can drink is da boombbbzeee!

  2. i love the pictures! im so jealous! cant wait to see the rest of them! and thanks for voting
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    1. thanks!! lol i can’t wait to post the rest of the photos! i just want it all done and over with~ gahh!

  3. wow! Your hotel looks so fancy! Can’t wait to see the other photos..

    1. yea it was a very fancy hotel! hopefully i can post more photos soon <3

  4. Yay, your Hawaii posts are going up! I’ve been looking forward to these after seeing your Instagram pics 😀 Your trip looks incredible, can’t wait to see more entries! And oh myyy, that lazy river, I just want to drift inside it hahah :3

    1. haha yea the lazy river is always a favorite. i wish i could go back to swim more!

  5. You make me wanna go have a vacation now hahaha! Lovely post dear! Nice place! And your kiss photo is so cute! So sweet 🙂

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    1. loll. go on vacation! i love vacations~ although i guess i’ll be on a permanent one for a while. haha.

  6. Chanced upon your blog and enjoy reading it!

    1. thanks so much for stopping by!

    1. it sure was 🙂

  7. wow what a gorgeous place!

    1. it truly is! too bad the weather wasn’t so great :C

  8. so cute… 🙂 love the first picture or graph with the temperatures! 🙂
    and i want to go to hawaii too.. it looks so nice. 🙂

    1. haha thanks! that was me procrastinating thru drawings instead of packing. hahaha. go to hawaii! its lovely!

  9. The hotel and all the place looks really pretty. Perfecto for lovelies photographs.
    Your looks really lovely and cute. The open bar looks really cool. Many thanks for share your trip!


    1. thanks! i really need to improve my photography skills tho. i suck so badly haha. i think the biggest reason is because i don’t try very hard >.<

  10. WOW such beautiful place ;_; Im so jelly

    1. sooo beautiful i wanna go backkk~~~

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