Best Bras for Small Asian Breasts

Having small boobs has been a problem of mine since middle school. By the time I reached high school, it seemed that all the girls around me had boobs! But, where the hell were mine!? I lied to myself and got myself to believe that they were still coming and that I was just a late bloomer. I actually was a late bloomer, however when I bloomed, there wasn’t really much to show for.

This really lead me through a cycle of depression and self esteem issues. I thought that there would be no guy who would want to be with me if I didn’t have boobs (so wrong btw)! I tried so many different things to make my boobs grow or appear larger, such as doing push-ups (to make my muscles under my breast), massaging, pills, and diets. Nothing seemed to work and I felt like I was in a hopeless dead end. My end solution was that I dreamed of one day getting a boob job.

Ahhh, but getting a boob job isn’t a small decision. I’ve done hours of research on it and it seems like a lot of work. You can’t just get a boob job and be done with it. If you get one, you have to go in for routine check ups to make sure the bag isn’t leaking (depending on which type you get) and you even have to get them replaced every 10 years! That seems like a bit of a headache to me, but I still wanted the experience of having breasts for once in my life.

I won’t lie, I’ve been on and off about getting them for the past 5 years at least! Now I finally have the money to do it, and I think I’ve decided to hold off. Why? I have finally come to appreciate what God has given me, and have decided to embrace what I have and work with them. Oh and just incase everything I say now comes bitting me in the a** later on in life… I’m still open to maybe getting implants after I’m done having kids (but thats still years away)!

But what made me change my mind? I gotta tell you the truth, it’s because I’ve finally found some bras that make me feel beautiful and feminine.

Let me share with you a couple of bras that I LOVE and why. I’ll also tell you some bra tips!

There are two places that I like to get bras from, and nowhere else! No more Victoria’s Secret bras for me!

The first shop is Shibuyala. I did a review on one of their bras before, you can read it here. When I first shopped at their store in San Gabriel, I didn’t really understand much about bras and didn’t learn to appreciate them as much as I should have.

Btw, isn’t their shopping bag (or box) so cute? Below is their pamphlet with a bunch of different style lingerie sets that they have in shop.

The brand that they carry in store is エメフィール (aimerfeel). This is supposed to be one of Japan’s most popular brand lingerie!

The bra that I ended up buying from Shibuyala was Airily, which you can find on Rakuten. At Shibuyala, I paid ~$54, and that was the price after using a $5 off coupon that I had. On Rakuten, you can find this same set for about ~$35, but thats without the shipping cost and whatever other fees.

Sometimes it’s worth having to pay more if it means that you can go to the store and try on sets until you find the perfect match for your body.

Right when I tried on this set in the fitting room, I realized that this was the one! I can’t tell you how amazing this color compliments my skin tone. Who would have known that lingerie color had such a large impact on appearance? I mean, DUH! Why didn’t I think of this before?

But not only did the color look good, the sizing of it was perfect. My breast fit in the cup very well and I had the perfect amount of cleavage that I normally don’t get. Also, the padding feels like pillows that gently give your breasts a little lift.

Isn’t the detailing on this bra gorgeous? I love everything about it. Sure you may say it’s a bit much, but wow it sure does make you feel beautiful when you put it on!

I still remember that moment when I wore the bra in the fitting room. My first thought was, wow I’m glowing!

The straps are removable, so you can interchange them however you want. But this is not meant to be a strapless bra.

There is some light padding on the bra, but it can be easily removed. I like that the padding isn’t stiff. This allows your breast to comfortably sit in the bra cup, while providing the perfect amount of lift.

The aimerfeel bras from Shibuyala all come with the matching panty, which I think is great! The detailing is beautiful, and the fit is good. I would also like to mention that the quality is much better than your average panty from Victorias Secret. The inside of it is lined with cotton making it extra comfortable.


Another lingerie store that I would like to recommend is Naughty But Nice Lingerie, located in Santa Clarita, California. They offer a large selection of bras, ranging from really petite to extremely large ones.

And whats great is that the staff there really helps you in your bra selecting process. They make sure that you are wearing the right size bra for you and that you are wearing it correctly! You’ll definitely notice a difference in your breasts after they are done fitting you into a few bras.

The brand that I get from Naughty But Nice Lingerie is the little bra company. This bra company caters to those who have a petite frame and is excellent for creating cleavage that you may have thought you never had!

I ended up buying 3 different bras from the lingerie store. The pricing on each of these bras at Naughty But Nice Lingerie are basically the same as the prices on the bra company’s website. Each bra runs for about ~$55-60 each, which is comparable to Shibuyala’s prices, except these don’t come with matching panties.

Now let’s take a closer look at the 3 bras that I got.

This is Lucia. My first bra that I’ve ever tried on from the little bra company. Wow, I have to say that it was instant love at first wear. I felt a fit that I’ve never felt in my entire life and I knew at that moment that I just had to have it. No more nipple slips with these babies!

Meet Mercedes Slate. This bra might very well be my favorite out of the three. I get great cleavage and support from this bra. It really makes me feel a lot more confident about myself, and like a woman!

Lastly, we have Esther. This bra is a push-up bra with a deep plunge. The color and design is really cute, and the fit is great. I feel like I have big boobs, haha! Where’d they come from!? With most push-up bras, there’s always a chance for a tiny bit of nipple slip, but it’s ultra minimal with this bra, thank God.


Do you know how to properly wear your bra?
Here’s a diagram, curtesy of the little bra company.

When you are scooping your breast into the cup, you need to make sure that you are reaching far back. And I’m talking about reaching almost around to your back! After years of not wearing a bra properly, not being fitted well, and simply sleeping on your back, your breasts can actually end up migrating towards your back!

Another important tip is to make sure that you are using the right band size. I’ve been wearing a 34 or 32 my whole life, but now I’ve learned that I’m actually a size 30 and it makes a huge difference!

Once you’ve gotten the correct band size, make sure that when you hook your bra, you are using the largest size! If you have the right band size to begin with, you shouldn’t have to be using the smallest. I used to do this, but of course it was because I never had the right band size to begin with. Anyways, by using the largest size, you aren’t over stretching your bra. As you wear your bra and it gets “older,” the bra will naturally start getting looser and THATS when you start hooking the bra on the next smaller size. This is how you extend the life of your bra, duh!

With all bras, you should never machine wash them. Just gently hand wash them with cold water, and then lay them out to dry on a towel after you’ve squeezed out the water from the padding.

Okay, well that’s all I have for you today.
I hope that you’ve found my post informational,
and that it leads you to find the best bra for yourself!

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Thanks for reading!
xoxo Sarah

18 Replies to “Best Bras for Small Asian Breasts”

  1. Oh dearie, you don’t need a boobjob! You
    look beautiful already c: and the frequent
    check-up is not a fun thing either…
    These bra’s are beautiful! Looks comfy as
    well and the packaging is NICE!

    1. haha yea i know i shouldn’t need one.
      but im just the type of person who likes to experiment 😉
      i do love my new bras though!!

      1. Hi ! Dear my boobs is small I really love that bra could someone help me please
        What the name of this bra and where could I buy it online ?

        1. the brand of the bra is aimerfeel ( it’s probably a lot easier to find if you live in asia, but if you don’t… you can try looking for it on the web. in my blog post i posted a link to rakuten, or you can try to order directly from aimerfeel’s website.

  2. The feels of having small Asian boobs! ;__; I hope this isn’t tmi but for me, I feel like my cleavage never looks good, even with pushup bras and whatnot.. they look too forced 🙁 I hope I can find the trick to get those round bubbly boobage… and thanks for the tips about the band size! I always used the smallest one but now I know!

    1. lol no such thing as tmi! but i agree with you, its so much harder to push up little asian boobs… its kinda like, that much cleavage shouldn’t exist for those little boobs and it doesnt look quite right! hahaha~ and np~

  3. Nice post 🙂 I have small boobs and I hat bra-shopping because I never find what fits me! Real nightmare.

    1. i know what you mean. i sucks cuz i feel like bra shopping could be so much fun if bras fit the way they do on models. you should try out this brand!! it really is amazing.

  4. Happy birthday!!!!!!!!

    1. thanks girlfriend~ hehe

  5. I’m a guy and I can absolutely tell you that not all of us find large breasts attractive. I personally prefer women with small breasts. A cup or less is good with me.
    And while large natural breasts are not appealing, fake are worse.

    1. Hey Mark. Thanks so much for your comment. I understand that this blog consists mostly of female readers, but I really do appreciate your comment! I guess I’ve just been bombarded with all the images of beautiful women all over the internet and especially on Instagram, that it’s some what warped my image of what is beautiful and sexy. I’m slowly learning to love my own body each and every day. Once again, thanks for your comment, it really helps push me a bit in the right direction 🙂 We need more guys like you!

  6. Hey, coming from a petite woman, smaller boobs really shine when you hit your late 30’s and everyone else is sagging. Love them! And should you ever find yourself running from a tiger naked in the jungle, you will look great. Thanks so much for this post, I am going to try out those bras!

    1. LOL @ running from a tiger naked in the jungle. ahahahah~ I hope I’ll never have to do that! And wow, you are so right! Having non saggy small boobs is definitely better than ones that look like gak. PLEASE GIVE THOSE BRAS A TRY!! My favorite of the bunch is the grey colored one. OMG feels so good and looks soooo niceeee. I was wearing it the other day on the airplane and checking out my boobs, it looked awesome 😉

  7. Small is beautiful. Based on your photos I think you’re very attractive just the way you are. 🙂

    1. Thanks, that’s very sweet of you. I have grown to love my body more over the years <3

  8. I’m curious about your recommendation to hand wash bras. I take it that even if you put them in a lingerie bag, set the washing machine to “delicate”, and use cold water, it’s not gentle enough. Correct?

  9. Great post! And omg, the bras from Japan are really pretty! ❤️ Regret not buying them while I was in japan 🙁 do you have any other Japanese brands to recommend besides aimerfeel?

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