Will You Be My Bridesmaid? How I Asked My Girls.

will you be my bridesmaid box wedding ideas how i asked my girls diy

Hello gals 

Today I’m going to share with you how I asked my girlfriends to be my bridesmaids at my wedding this coming March!

I think it’s a nice gesture to put some effort in when asking. Being a bridesmaid isn’t the easiest task, and believe it or not, it can end up being very expensive! The average bridesmaid in the United States spends $1,695 (wow)! So putting together a little box or being creative when asking isn’t really much to ask for in comparison to what you are asking your girlfriends to do for you in return.

Okay, now let’s look at the bridesmaid boxes that I made.


Since I’m having a budget wedding, I tried my hardest to also keep my bridesmaid boxes to a minimum.

Material Cost Breakdown:

  • 6 Boxes: $1.50 each at Daiso
  • 2 Confetti & Box Fillers: $1.50 each at Daiso
  • 6 Mini Wine Bottles: ~$2.75 each*
  • 6 Packets of Oolong Tea: Imported from China*
  • 6 Packets of Wasabi Peas: $8.00 for a bunch*
  • 6 Envelopes & Cards: $2.00 set*
  • Felt Iron-on Letters: $5.00 set*
  • White wire ties: $2.00 set*
  • Fancy paper: $10.00 box*
  • 2 Gold leaf papers: $1.00 each*

Total Cost: $13.00 (Including tax)
*These items were not included in the total cost because I already had them readily available.

My total cost is not bad at all considering that it’s for 6 bridesmaid. The biggest save in cost was finding boxes from Daiso and being creative by using items that I had in my craft collection box. When trying to find a unique way to ask your girls to be your bridesmaids, make sure to not spend too much because you want to save money for when you have to buy your bridesmaids gifts! I’d much rather spend more on better bridesmaids gifts than on asking. The honest truth is that… yes, you do want to show that you put some effort into asking to show that you want them… but you need to remember that just because you asked doesn’t mean that they need to say yes! (I know sad story).

Now that you know about the costs, let’s have a closer look at how I used each item!

First, I used a mix of three different box filler strings and sprinkled in star shaped confetti. This was the base of all my boxes.

will you be my bridesmaid box wedding ideas how i asked my girls diy

Then I picked out my wedding colors from wall paint samples from my local hardware store. I hole punched them and used a ring to join them.

will you be my bridesmaid box wedding ideas how i asked my girls diy

To make each box more personalized, I wrote a letter to each of my bridesmaids to be. Inside of the letter, I made sure to include information on the wedding such as date, theme, and location. Each envelope was sealed with the first letter of their first names.

will you be my bridesmaid box wedding ideas how i asked my girls diy

I also made scrolls that had a timeline of events listed along with what is expected of each bridesmaid. I want everyone to know what they are getting themselves into. Being the first in my group of friends to get married, I don’t want to assume that everyone knows what it’s like to be a in a wedding party.

will you be my bridesmaid box wedding ideas how i asked my girls diy

I chose to include red wine as a toast to our friendship. This is both cute and classy, all at the same time.

will you be my bridesmaid box wedding ideas how i asked my girls diy

For some additional items, I chose to include Oolong Tea and Wasabi Peas to go along with the wedding theme. Besides, it’s also a favorite of mine!

will you be my bridesmaid box wedding ideas how i asked my girls diy

Lastly, I topped off my box with a strip of paper that officially pops the question saying, Will you be my Bridesmaid, Nothing would give me more joy & pride, than to have you right there with me by my side! (girlfriend’s full name), will you do me this honour?

All of my girlfriends that got their boxes thought it was funny that I had checkboxes that gave you only the options of Of course! and Maybe…

will you be my bridesmaid box wedding ideas how i asked my girls diy

Here’s how the box came together with all of the items listed above. Do you like it?

These boxes were a lot of fun to make, but took me all day to gather the items, design the print pieces, write letters, and do all that arts and craft type stuff. When it was all done, I was very proud of myself and couldn’t wait to give each of my girlfriends their box.

will you be my bridesmaid box wedding ideas how i asked my girls diy

In the end, all of them accepted to be a bridesmaid. I cannot be more happy to have all these beautiful young women by my side on my wedding day. Thank you so much for everything girls!

will you be my bridesmaid box wedding ideas how i asked my girls diy

You know what’s even more exciting? They are planning my bachelorette party and it’s happening the first weekend of January! Everything is happening so quickly!! Before you know it, I’ll be walking down the isle.

As always, thank you for reading.
Don’t forget to enter my circle lens giveaway!

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xoxo Sarah

9 Replies to “Will You Be My Bridesmaid? How I Asked My Girls.”

  1. Oh wow so lovely box, planing a weeding is all a process! Omg! But the boxes looks absolutely pretty dear,

    1. thanks so much! haha yeaaa~ weddings are a lonnng process. but thats why i’m shortening mine and having it soon! 😀

  2. mitchellina metta says: Reply

    I really love the boxes! And you are lucky to have a good gfs 🙂

    1. i really am lucky to have them. especially because i didn’t feel like i had anyone about 2-3 years ago. thanks so much!

  3. Awww how fun!!! Such a cute idea. 🙂 Budget friendly too. So excited for you hun!!

    1. i’m happy you like it! i tried really hard to make it budget friendly. haha i think thats what took me the longest, finding ways to make it cheaper >.<

  4. I can’t wait to make one for my bridesmaids! 🙂 Thanks for the idea!

    1. congrats on your engagement! glad you like it 🙂
      i really should post up the rest of my wedding… lol but now i feel that it’s been a while~

      1. Yes please! I did read through your wedding section and i was wondering where your official wedding pictures are. It’s never too late you know

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