Happy Friday~!
Got another circle lens review for you girls. This one was sponsored to me by Klenspop.com. Their lenses and customer service has never disappointed me. I definitely recommend them as a good and affordable source for circle lens.
The circle lens that I picked from Klenspop is the I fax Y33 in brown, available for ~$15 from their website.
Along with my circle lens came a new contact case and tongs for picking up the lens.
You probably know this already, but I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned this before. It’s very important to throw out your old contact cases as they harvest tons of bacteria. Ideally you should change them once a month, but if not, once every three months is fine.
Also, tongs are a good way to try to prolong the cleanliness of your contact case. However, they are super tedious to use regularly, and aren’t very practical. I always throw out the tongs right when I get them in the mail since I don’t use them. Instead, I wash my hands with soap before dipping my finger into the case to scoop out my lens.
Don’t forget, you shouldn’t be reusing your lens solution either! Shame on you because I know you’ve probably done it before, I have.
Klenspop seems to have redesigned their packaging. I got two circle lenses from them, and each of them came in these cute little boxes. On the back of each box, there are instructions on how to wear the circle lenses. Seems decently helpful and easy to understand for first time users.
Now onto the lens:
- Brand: G&G contact lens
- Diameter: 14.2mm
- Graphic Diameter: 14.0mm
- Water Content: 38%
- Base Curve: 8.4mm
- Life Span: 1 year (Max)**
- Country of Origin: South Korea
- Colors Available: brown and grey
**I don’t recommend keeping these lens for a full year, but instead you should aim to switch after 3-4 months
The design of the I fax Y33 in brown simple, yet enticing. Though it’s a typical brown lens, the black rim helps make the eyes pop more and look enlarged, despite the 14.0mm graphic diameter. The subtle spikes of black swirling inwards do nothing less than draw more attention to the eyes.
I was wearing these lens at the Cisco Holiday Party last night, and no one could tell that I was wearing colored contacts. One of my coworkers actually noticed my eyes and told me that they were really cool because I had “lines” that swirl inwards. I stopped her right away and told her that they were contacts. She had no idea!
I feel like my iris’ are smaller than other people’s, which then leads to a more drastic enlargement effect. However, I’ve tried circle lens ranging in sizes from 13.0mm to 15.5mm, let alone dozens of designs. So I am able to make a fair judgement as to the degree in which my eyes feel enlarged.
Here’s what the I fax Y33 lens look like under different lightings. Overall, I find that the lens hold up pretty well under the different conditions.
And to wrap up this review, here are a couple of close ups of the lens. Look at how the lens captures the light in the image where I’m looking slightly up. I love the color and richness of the brown, it’s gorgeous.
I fax Y33 Brown Overall Rating: ★★★★★
Color: ★★★★★
Enlargement: ★★★★★
Comfort: ★★★★★
Natural-ness: ★★★★★
Have you tried the I fax Y33 lens before? What are your thoughts?
xoxo Sarah
i love the color that lens ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡ Its so natural * w * You looks so cute !
hehehe thanks so much. i love that these lens are natural from afar, yet really enhance the eye. i can’t believe how much circle lens designs have improved over the years.
Such a cute pair of lenses! I’m such a fan of brown lenses now I definitely will be looking into these when I shop for some new ones!
hey crystal! i grew to really love brown lenses as well. i think it may be because i work in the corporate world now, but there are really some beautiful brown lenses out there! i really do recommend these, they are perfect <3