It’s been a while since my last circle lens review. Today I’ll be sharing with you a review on Bunny 3 Color Cherie Gray circle lens (available for $18 from These lens were sponsored to me by During the time that I haven’t been blogging (amount a 6 month hiatus), these have been […]
circle lens review
Sio Brown Circle Lens Review

Today we are going to review the Sio Brown Circle Lens (available for $30 from These lens were sponsored by decades ago. I’m a horrible person because… it took me ages to use these lens when I finally used them, it took me forever to edit all the photos, and I’ve had the images uploaded to my blog […]
EOS Lucifer ATTI Brown Circle Lens Review

This week we are going to have a close look at the EOS Lucifer ATTI Brown Circle Lens, which is available for ~ $16.00. These lens were sponsored to me by I actually received 3 lenses from them, so you can expect 2 more circle lens reviews within the upcoming months. As usual, the lens […]
I fax Y33 – Brown Circle Lens Review

Happy Friday~! Got another circle lens review for you girls. This one was sponsored to me by Their lenses and customer service has never disappointed me. I definitely recommend them as a good and affordable source for circle lens. The circle lens that I picked from Klenspop is the I fax Y33 in brown, […]
Lulu Pink Circle Lens Review

!! H A P P Y . F O R T H . O F . J U L Y !! Today I have a special 4th of July themed circle lens review for you. I got the Lulu Pink circle lens sponsored from Klenspop also sent me another circle lens product for review, […]
Geo Princess Mimi Apple Green (Bambi Series) Semi-Reviewed

So a long while ago, I won a circle lens giveaway from THT Christina’s blog! I apologize that it has taken me so long to get this blog post up, but I just wanted to make sure to post a formal thank you and to simply show off the lens. Thanks Christina for the win! I’m not […]
Puffy 3 Tone Pink “Shinny Pink” Circle Lens Review

Last week I received a package from They sent me the Puffy 3 Tone in Shinny Pink (~$25) to review on my blog. When I opened up my package, I found all of my items nicely wrapped in this cute transparent plastic bag. The bag contained 1 contact lens case, 1 pair of Puffy 3 […]