<( hello loves~! ) I was away in San Diego for the past 3 days, and my old Macbook didn’t work properly. Result: I got no work done and also never got to do a blog post!! Today I am going to share with you my new keychain! This is what it looked like before… ughh~ […]
Mary Kay Oil-Free Eye Makeup Remover Review

First off, I must say, I have never tried any Mary Kay products before. I first heard about them about 5 years ago from my cousin who was selling some of their products for her friend who worked for them. Since then, I have witnessed this brand’s growth and how it has become more and […]
Majolica Majorca 2012 Lash King Mascara Review

I mascara! I don’t know what I would do without it (unless you have fake eyelashes). I truly believe that mascara makes eyes so much more beautiful and also brighten/opens up the eyes. I have tried so many different mascaras in my life time and have found a few favorites here and there. But one that I […]