It’s been over a week since I’ve last made a post on my blog. I must admit, I have been a tiny bit lazy, but also.. lots of things have happened very recently! And I’m talking about BIG things. Just to keep you all in the loop a bit (until I can publish a Hawaii […]
dear diary
My Life Up To Speed (well, most of it)

Life has been busy. What suuucccks is that it took me so long to get all of these photos together and to write about them… that now my life has moved on and you are all no longer “caught up.” Gah~ it’s so hard! I need more time in my life to blog AND do all […]
The Last Few Weeks

Since I haven’t made any posts for a while, I will go ahead and update you with what’s been going on in my life the last few weeks. My Dad’s 80th Birthday Party So not too long ago, it was my dad’s 80th birthday. In Chinese tradition, when you turn 80, you are supposed to […]