Uniform Guidelines VS Fashion

Parenting is a constant battle, and one of the biggest battles you will have with your kids is likely to be over school. Whether it’s the need to nag until you’re blue in the face about homework, or convince them that algebra is indeed a necessary skill for later in life, even if you’re not sure that it is, you will disagree on something at some point.

One of the biggest points of contention, especially for parents with girls, is the battle to stay within the uniform boundaries. There are rules, and schools can be quite fussy when it comes to enforcing them. Unfortunately this doesn’t always register with your little fashionista, who believes that the playground is also their catwalk. Fight back with extra long skirts and boxy shirts and the resistance will usually increase tenfold. Luckily the uniform shop by George at Asda is on hand with some great, stylish alternatives. See how you can find the middle ground and keep the teachers and your budding fashion blogger happy.

They may well want to tie their shirt in a knot, a la Britney Spears circa 1998, as the latest trend is crop tops. This simply isn’t an option, but you needn’t go all the way to the other end of the spectrum with a square dowdy unisex shirt either. Most schools allow polos and these are almost always the preference of kids and teenagers. For girls there are some great fitted shirts too, that little ladies will think are cool, but they maintain a level of smartness you might strive for in an interview.

Platforms may be a bridge too far but, as a rule, don’t send your daughter to school in shoes you wouldn’t be happy

wearing for a day. Girls are fashion conscious from very young, and shoes tend to be a talking point at school. Find a happy medium between practicality and style, and let your daughter have a bit of a say in the decision; you can always veto the outrageous. You don’t need to spend a fortune on school shoes either as ASDA’s range of girls school shoes are long lasting, great value, and stylish.

Skirts, Pinafores and Trousers
Some schools have strict rules on which of these can and can’t be worn in each season. Others are less prescriptive and allow any of the above. Skirts should not be too short, but if you reach a compromise on length you will minimise the chance that your daughter will roll the skirt up at the waist the moment she steps out the door. Pinafores used to only be the choice of younger girls, but as dungarees are in fashion this year, so too are pinafores. Trousers are a great option, as long as they are smart and in line with the uniform policy they are a good alternative to traditional girls uniform.

There is always a compromise to be made between fashion and the school rules. Finding this middle ground is the best way to keep the peace at home and at the school gates, just remember, you always have the final word on the matter.


5 Replies to “Uniform Guidelines VS Fashion”

  1. You are not having kids aren’t you Sarah?!
    I think school uniforms are pretty cool,
    especially Asian ones c: I’d love to have
    those bows and the super comfy oversized
    cardigans! Xx

    1. of course im not having kids yet!! lolll 😀
      but maybe one day 4-5 years from now. hehehe.
      but yes, i love asian school uniforms <3

  2. Asian uniforms are so cute!

    In schools where I studied were not used, since here in Spain is usually only wear uniforms in private schools.

    Even that on one occasion by carnivals I got one of them haha.


    1. ahhh in america we don’t really have uniforms unless its a private school too. but i know a lot of public schools started enforcing it as well to keep kids from picking on other kids based off of what they are wearing. too bad our uniforms don’t look like the cute asian ones though!

  3. Can someone recommend Maxi Dresses? Cheers x

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