Comic Con

Aiya (Hello in Quenya)!

Today we are gonna take a look at my trip to the
San Diego Comic Con 2013.

I was privileged enough to be given a professional pass
this year for myself and a +1!

So lets have a look, shall we?

Above is a panoramic shot of Comic Con.

The convention center is to the left (barely in the picture), towards the middle is where gaslamp district is, and on the right is petco park!

This bridge is pretty gnarly.

It looks like a sword!

Here’s an over head shot of one of the areas outside of the convention center.
You actually don’t need a pass to access this area.

Here’s a closer look at a few of the things in this area…

Prop from the new movie, Wolverine.

Adult Swim fun house…

Hello Kitty!

Here’s a look at the lines outside of Hall H for the panels.
I didn’t go to any panels because I didn’t want to wait hours and hours to get in.

I heard that some people waited as long as 12 hours for a panel,
while others waited 9+ hours and didn’t even get it.

Anyways, now looking inside of the Exhibit Hall.
Yes, you need a pass for this area.

The My Little Pony section!

Some Hello Kitty meets Street Fighter.
I love the Hello Kitty Akuma, lol.

Gundams~ I still dream of building one someday.

Oh and this year there was a Zombie Walk during Comic Con!
So lots and lots of zombies everywhere.

And of course when you think zombies, you should think…

Haha, I’m not good at acting scared…

While we were in the exhibit hall, the entire cast of How I Met Your Mother
walked right by us to go to their booth.

Ahh my favorite character, Barney.

Oh and of course, Breaking Bad.

Adventure Time also had a fun booth with a larger than life Ice King. You can actually walk inside him and it looks like his castle with the jail, throne, and everything. Including penguins!

Here’s our photo that we took inside.

Here’s a few Sideshow Collectable figurines.
All very detailed and awesome!

Here’s some artwork sold by Acme Archives Direct.
Oh how I love Star Wars and wish I could own all of these paintings…

I really want this Millennium Falcon Tech Plate…
That way I can display it over a Millennium Falcon replica in my future house, HA!

This is also on my wish list, The Jedi Path (center book).
It is encased in a box that opens up in a super cool way.

Boss, Yoda is.

Haha, I think we see Stan Lee and every convention.
Now when I see him, it’s more like, oh look there’s Stan again!

Here’s a crazy sculpture of the Lich King from World of Warcraft at the Blizzard Entertainment booth. The detailing is amazing!

This is WarJack from Warmachine made by Privateer Press.

Now for some cosplay photos…

I think AX wins at cosplay. Most of the cosplays at comic con looked more like store bought halloween costumes. But there were some that stood out, such as Cinema Makeup School’s two unique characters. Great makeup work!

I think I’m in love with Comic Con’s all out, full body cosplays.
How do they survive wearing those things?!

Ahh, here are some old school Cylons. They actually made that humming sound too, and the red dot in the eyes actually moves back and forth. Really legit!

I saw so many headless horse mens at Comic Con, or were they all the same ones?! Lol.

Night time in the Gaslamp District is beautiful!!

All the geeks and nerds have over run this city. I love it.

We some how ended up at a really grungy underground club, but whatever.. they had cheap drinks, good music, and lots of lights!

As a whole, I truly enjoyed my time at Comic Con. I will definitely be back again next year! I must admit, it is a tad bit more fun than Anime Expo, but I think my heart will always belong to AX first.

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Thanks for reading!
xoxo Sarah

30 Replies to “Comic Con”

  1. Your Name: Allison
    What’s your favorite TV show: Adventure Time

    1. thanks so much for entering allison!! 😀
      i love adventure time <3

  2. Alena Belausava
    I looove Regular Show!

    1. i’ve heard great things about the regular show!! i’ll have to check it out 🙂
      thanks for your continuous support btw, alena!

    2. Just letting you know that you won 3rd place, I just sent off the email to you!

  3. Jana N.
    Janatoreen (at) hotmail (dot) com
    I love How I Met Your Mother!

    1. how i met your mother! woohoo last season~ thanks for entering, jana!

  4. Stephen Nettles
    alienxphile at yahoo dot com

    It’s so hard to choose just one so here are 3 😀 –

    – So Weird
    – The X-Files
    – Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

    1. lol going old school huh? i must admit, those were some good shows back in the days! thanks for participating and sharing, stephen!

  5. Laura K.
    I’d say I have 2 fave shows: NCIS and How It’s Made.

    1. NCIS and How it’s Made~ i think I would be very interested in How it’s Made since I like those type of things. I know NCIS is very good, but I just never really watch it when its on! I guess im more of a scifi/fantasy kinda girl. thanks for entering!

  6. Oh my, I envyyyyyyy :< ! I just love everything! <3
    For the giveaway
    Your Name: Lara Takahashi
    Email :
    What's your favorite TV show? At the moment (of those that are running) Big Bang Theory

    1. i just love all of the characters from big bang theory! it’s too good, especially love sheldon. hehe thanks for participating lara!

  7. ling
    I love watching revenge!

    1. ahh i know revenge from all of the billboards.. but never watched that. thanks for entering ling!

  8. Danny H
    Game of Thrones!

    1. oh yes!! GoT FTW!! I’m reading the books now, and it follows the show exactllyyy~

    2. Just letting you know that you won 1st place, I just sent off the email to you!

  9. – Name: Sakuranko (Raimar Guevara)
    – Contact email:
    – “What country would you most like to visit next?” I really want visit Guatemala for know the family of my boyfriend.
    – Bloglovin: Following like Sakuranko (Follower #152)
    – Facebook: Following you like Raimar Guevara

    Oh really amazing pics sweetie!
    Really cool giveaway!

    1. What’s your favorite TV show?

      Pretty Little Liars!

    2. thanks for entering again raimar! and ooOo another fan for pretty little liars~ maybe i should give that show another chance!

  10. Name: Amber
    Fav TV Show: Breaking Bad! Been obsessed with the show since the beginning!

    Thanks so much! It was so nice of you to share all of those photos with us, PLUS offer up such a cool giveaway.

    1. ahahaha, i love your email. brilliant! thanks for entering amber~ and yes, breaking bad is an awesome show!

  11. Your Name: Danica Marie P. Abrigo
    What’s your favorite TV show: Pretty Little Liars

    1. thanks for entering danica! i think i watched an episode or two of pretty little liars, but i never really got too into it.

  12. Your Name-kien mei
    What’s your favorite TV show-running man

    1. ive never heard of running man. i’ll look into it 🙂
      thanks for entering!

    1. i like star trek too! but sadly ive never watched it in consecutive episodes. thanks for entering, nicole!

    2. Just letting you know that you won 2nd place, I just sent off the email to you!

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