This year, I’ve decided to give my mom SOUFEEL jewelry for Mother’s Day. Usually I just get my mom something simple, like dinner or flowers. The last several years I’ve ben running out of ideas for what to give my mom. She really does have everything, and I can’t compete with my brother who always […]
5 Tips for Being a Healthy 20-Something Year Old

Back when I was in college, I remember hearing from my older friends, “man, my body isn’t what it used to be.” I never quite understood it when they said this since they didn’t seem that old to me. How could someone in their late twenties already be complaining about their body health? Well, now […]
Reddit Gifts: Secret Santa

This is my first year participating in the Reddit Secret Santa gift exchange. I was super hesitant to take part because in the past, I’ve been left giftless by both my secret santa and rematch (it was the Sailor Moon exchange for anyone whose curious). However, RedditGifts did an excellent job of spamming my email […]
Christmas at Cisco

Figured this would be a quick and easy post. Just wanted to briefly share with you all the pretty Christmas decorations that we have up in the Cisco office in San Jose. Recently, we had a decorating competition between the different teams. I work in the User Experience department. We are a small team, but […]
Reddit Final Fantasy Gift Exchange

So I participated in the Final Fantasy RedditGift exchange. It seems like Reddit and its users know exactly what I’m interested in. I also took part in a Sailor Moon exchange! But haven’t been sent anything yet… I hope my secret santa doesn’t forget… Anyways, just wanted to do a post on what I got from […]
Black Diamond Gyarusa @ J-Pop Summit (Photo Heavy)

Hello beauties! I have a photo heavy post for you today. Many weeks ago I had the chance to attend San Francisco’s J-Pop Summit in Japan town. The main reason I wanted to attend was so that I could see Black Diamond perform live! How amazing is that? I got the chance to see them perform […]
Anime Expo: Fashion Show & Shops

Hello! This year I was fortunate enough to be able to get a press badge for my husband and myself to attend Anime Expo 2014. We went on Friday and Saturday. With that said, let’s get on with today’s post! In this post we will focus on the AX Fashion Show & Shops. There were four brands that came over from Japan […]
Reddit Rilakkuma Gift Exchange

Recently I participated in a Reddit Gift Exchange. The theme for this gift exchange was all things Rilakkuma! … and how can I not participate? I LOVE RILAKKUMA!! Here’s what I got from my Secret Santa. So much Rilakkuma goodness, huh? I am having a mini-heart attack from the kawaii overload from looking at the photo […]
First Class (J-Drama), Army of Two & Final Fantasy IX (PS3), Cosplay Idea, & My New Job

This is basically a D i a r y P o s t, mostly because I don’t have anything prepared and I feel that I should publish a blog post for this week! My goal as of late has been to do one post a week. This week I’m a bit behind as I’m still trying […]
Rainbow Sprinkles Mini Donut Muffin Recipe

OMG~ I’m slowly becoming domesticated. Is this a preview of my life to come after marriage?! Haha, I’m usually somewhat of a slob, but believe it or not I’ve been cleaning and cooking this whole week. WOW~ That’s really weird. Strange. Idk. Maybe it’s because its February, lol. This post is a recipe for what I […]