Hello World~ I’m back from my trip to Asia, and now it’s been quite a long time since I’ve written a blog post. Part of me feels bad for not blogging, and another part of me is sort of like F*ck it. Since I’ve returned to California, I have taken it up upon my self […]
My New Favorite Glasses!

Happy Friday! Today’s blog post is on my newest glasses, sponsored to me by Firmoo.com. I feel like I have so many glasses now that I need a better way to organize them! Let me know if you have any tips on organizing glasses and sunglasses, hehe. The pair that I picked from Firmoo is Rena […]
EXD Experience A Different Color Sunglass Review

Happy Friday~ Got these beautiful sunglasses in the mail many weeks ago from klenspop.com for reviewing purposes, and finally got the chance to actually do it! For those who haven’t heard, K-LENSPOP is now selling sunglasses (besides your usual circle lens and what not). The sunglasses that they are selling are from the brand EXD (Experience A Different […]
Reddit Final Fantasy Gift Exchange

So I participated in the Final Fantasy RedditGift exchange. It seems like Reddit and its users know exactly what I’m interested in. I also took part in a Sailor Moon exchange! But haven’t been sent anything yet… I hope my secret santa doesn’t forget… Anyways, just wanted to do a post on what I got from […]
Black Diamond Gyarusa @ J-Pop Summit (Photo Heavy)

Hello beauties! I have a photo heavy post for you today. Many weeks ago I had the chance to attend San Francisco’s J-Pop Summit in Japan town. The main reason I wanted to attend was so that I could see Black Diamond perform live! How amazing is that? I got the chance to see them perform […]
Anime Expo: Fashion Show & Shops

Hello! This year I was fortunate enough to be able to get a press badge for my husband and myself to attend Anime Expo 2014. We went on Friday and Saturday. With that said, let’s get on with today’s post! In this post we will focus on the AX Fashion Show & Shops. There were four brands that came over from Japan […]
Lens Story Eye-N: 2 Week Circle Lens (Sweety Brown) Review

Hello~ As I’m typing right now, I’m sitting on the airplane on my way to San Diego for Comic Con 2014! Can’t wait till I land since I have a minor headache, hehe. Today I’ll be reviewing the Lens Story Eye-N circle lens. These lens were sponsored by Klenspop.com. The Lens Story Eye-N circle lens […]
Reddit Rilakkuma Gift Exchange

Recently I participated in a Reddit Gift Exchange. The theme for this gift exchange was all things Rilakkuma! … and how can I not participate? I LOVE RILAKKUMA!! Here’s what I got from my Secret Santa. So much Rilakkuma goodness, huh? I am having a mini-heart attack from the kawaii overload from looking at the photo […]
Vassen Color’s Cloud Nine Blue Circle Lens Review

Happy Thursday~ Just one more day until the weekend! Today I am happy to share another circle lens review with you gals. I know many of the recent reviews that I’ve been doing have all been for brown lenses (since I’ve been going through a more natural looking circle lens phase due to my past […]
8 Fashion Essentials Every Mid-20’s Woman Should Own

Hello~ Today I have for you my 8 fashion essentials that you should own if you are in your mid-20’s! First off, I want you to understand that this is a very materialist post. You can even say that it is “status” related. My opinion is that if you are in your mid-20’s, you should […]