Happy Thursday! Today is the last post that I’ll make for Anime Expo. This post will contain photos from my cosplays!! Another thanks and shout out to loveshoppingholics.com for sponsoring my cosplay lens! Okay, first we will start with my Friday cosplay… NAOE KANETSUGU from Samurai Girls! So here’s the results!! It took me less […]
anime expo 2013
Anime Expo (Part 2 of 3)

Hello Gals! I promised that I would post two more parts for Anime Expo, so here’s part 2! Today we will look at some things that I bought, and the gyaru shops that came to LA~ Inside the convention exhibit hall, it was a mass chaos of shops and people. Since I didn’t have a […]
Anime Expo (Part 1 of 3)

Hello loves~! Sorry for my untimely posts. It may be like this for the next several weeks, I apologize. But I’ll try my best, and thats a promise! So first off… I am going to publish Anime Expo in 3 parts. This is part one, which contains lots and lots of random cosplay photos! Hope you […]
Happy 4th of July Nails

Happy 4th of July This week is Anime Expo 2013!! I’m excited, are you? I’ve been very busy preparing my two cosplays for Friday and Saturday~ If you are going to AX this year, let me know! I’d love to meet up. I can’t wait to see everyone & also the gyaru fashion show! Haha, […]
Fynale J01 Honoo Blue Circle Lens Review

Here’s the circle lens review that I promised that I would publish this week! These lens were sponsored by Love Shoppingholics for my cosplay character Sailor Venus that I will be wearing on Saturday at Anime Expo in Los Angeles. Since Sailor Venus has blue eyes, I choose to wear the Fynale J01 Honoo Blue (~$22). […]
Day 4 (Continued): Welcome to Maui

Here’s another Hawaii post~ Don’t worry gals! I’m almost done with this whole series. LOL~ I know it has been forever it feels like. After this post, I have another post that you DON’T WANNA MISS coming this Thursday. Little updates on what else I’ve been doing: Looking for a condo or town house to buy […]