Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve been able to write a decent post. We finally got settled into our new home in Northern California! Life was hectic for a bit and I had pieces of it flying around like dog sh*t, but now I’m getting everything pieced back together. The wedding has passed, honeymoon […]
DIY Kawaii Rilakkuma Keychain

<( hello loves~! ) I was away in San Diego for the past 3 days, and my old Macbook didn’t work properly. Result: I got no work done and also never got to do a blog post!! Today I am going to share with you my new keychain! This is what it looked like before… ughh~ […]
FOTD: Gyaru Purikura Love

Here is another photo that I really love. I actually like the girl on the left more than the right for some reason. Don’t get me wrong, they are both super sexy however. Anyways, I am just showing you gals this photo because I really like both of their hair colors. I like the one […]
FOTD: Sweater Gyaru

So cute huh? Light skin really does look nice with any hair color. Too bad I’m not interested in having light skin. I think tan is sexier. I do like her make up though. Also the blush, photoshopped or not, makes her look really cute and innocent. Wearing a big sweater like that also makes […]
FOTD: Smiling Gyarus

I always thought this was a cute picture. But every time I look at this picture, I get pissed off looking at their legs. How the hell do they have such skinny legs!? I guess at least its not overly skinny like a lot of other gyaru’s that I’ve seen, but hot damn. I want […]
FOTD: Gyaru Posing Against the Wall

Now that I look at this photo more closely, I’m not sure exactly what it is that I liked specifically. I guess its more about the overall look and how things seem to come together perfectly. It captures a feeling of natural and casual beauty. I like it.
FOTD: Gyaru with Sexy Red Lips, RAWR

I love this photo. I’ve actually had it sitting on my desktop for several days now. And I can’t help but looking at it every now and then. Something about how this photo was taken and something about the girl really intrigues me. I can’t stop staring!! I love her make up too, especially how […]