Last Friday, Grace and I attended the last event, Otsukare-Sama, presented by Tune in Tokyo at Royal/T Cafe in Culver City. More photos from the event to come in another post sometime soon! But for now, check it out! Grace and I are on LA Weekly! Just a really quick post/update this time. Hope you enjoy! […]
The Last Few Weeks

Since I haven’t made any posts for a while, I will go ahead and update you with what’s been going on in my life the last few weeks. My Dad’s 80th Birthday Party So not too long ago, it was my dad’s 80th birthday. In Chinese tradition, when you turn 80, you are supposed to […]
FOTD: Sweater Gyaru

So cute huh? Light skin really does look nice with any hair color. Too bad I’m not interested in having light skin. I think tan is sexier. I do like her make up though. Also the blush, photoshopped or not, makes her look really cute and innocent. Wearing a big sweater like that also makes […]
FOTD: Cute Gyaru with Personality

I think this girl is so cute! My coworker saw this picture just now and thought it was horrifying.. But I think its so awesome! I totally love how she’s so colorful. Cotton candy pink hair is one of my favorite colors for hair. And lime green is my favorite color in general, so I […]
FOTD: Cute Bleach Blonde Gyaru

Pretty cute, I gotta admit. I love her lens color too. It’s such a brilliant and bright turquoise/blue color. Also, I love how perfect her skin looks! I’m pretty sure it’s photoshopped though, but who cares right? I can’t imagine anyone being human and having that kind of poreless and flawless skin. Regardless however, she […]
Harajuku Holiday @ Royal/T by Tune in Tokyo

Last week I went to the Harajuku Holiday event at Royal/T cafe in Culver City, hosted by Tune in Tokyo. Sorry I took so long to write about this event. To be honest I was dreading having to prepare all of the random photos that were taken at Harajuku Holiday (~_~;) At the event Harajuku […]
FOTD: Gyaru Posing Against the Wall

Now that I look at this photo more closely, I’m not sure exactly what it is that I liked specifically. I guess its more about the overall look and how things seem to come together perfectly. It captures a feeling of natural and casual beauty. I like it.