The Versatile Blogger Award

Yay! I’ve never done one of these before and I’ve always wanted to be tagged. LOL.

Thanks CeeCee from The Crescent Hour for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award! You made my day!

versatile blogger award

Play By The Rules:

  • If you are nominated, you have been awarded the Versatile Blogger Award.
  • Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
  • Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy.
  • Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you have recently discovered or follow regularly.
  • Nominate those 15 blogs/bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
  • Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

My 15 Blog Nominations:

  1. A Mulher e a Moda –
  2. Be Inspired –
  3. Dear Elaine –
  4. Gyaru Rin –
  5. Hayoung & Friends –
  6. Ice Goddhez –
  7. Ice Pandora –
  8. I’m A Love Addict –
  9. Lara Lizard –
  10. Ms. Rhea –
  11. Once Upon A Time They Lived Happily Ever After –
  12. Rinkkopuff –
  13. Sakuranko –
  14. THT Christina –
  15. With Love, Tiffany –
Btw, Rinkkopuff is having her first giveaway. You should check it out!
Click the banner below 🙂


Seven Things About Me:

  1. I am obsessed with the number eight. Not only is it my lucky number, but it holds a lot of meaning for me. To me, the number is both lucky and shows strength. It is also perfectly symmetrical – I love how it can be split up and divided so evenly. Also my birth year is ’88 and I am an August baby. Haha, and random fact (and coincidence), me and my boyfriend’s anniversary date is 08/08/08.
  2. In high school, I was super shy around strangers and really crazy hyper around the people I know. I had a group of friends and we called ourselves the “ring crew” because we always sat around in a circle on the floor during lunch time.   I was also a dancer and did lots  of performances for mostly hip hop and locking, and sometimes jazz, house, wacking, and a tiny bit of break dancing.
  3. I am American born Chinese. My first language was English, but I also speak Mandarin. I understand Shanghai dialect, and understand even less Cantonese. My French sucks even though I took 3 years of it, I think I may actually know more Spanish. I am fluent in Japanese, but lately I noticed a big drop in my reading.
  4. There was a time that I was highly addicted to piercings. In middle and high school, I would pierce my own ear. I remember one time in high school, I gave myself 7 piercings in one night. Most of those piercings have gone away now. Currently I have 8 ear piercings (cartilage, industrial, tragus, and four lobule auricule). I’ve always wanted to get my rook pierced, but that would mean that I would have 9 piercings, and I can’t have any other number but 8 because I’m weird like that. I do however have my tongue pierced. I also has my navel pierced at one point, but my body rejected it literally, and pushed the piercing out and broke my skin.
  5. My fashion style timeline: In high school I loved to wear Nike Cortez, baggy pants (and I sagged), tight fitted spaghetti strap top, big zip-up hoodies, and hoop earrings. I also carried around a CD player with big headphones. Then I started dressing more girly to attract the guys, wearing lots of little skirts. In college I never went shopping and wore lots of hand-me-downs because I was super broke. Now that I’m working and making money, I buy new clothes that makes me feel good about myself and confident. My aim is usually to look sexy while still looking classy.
  6. My make up has always been influenced by gyaru. In high school, my role model was Koda Kumi because she was hot. I remember back in the days, gyaru was unheard of in America and to be able to see how much it has grown over the years is remarkable. Although I loved gyaru for oh so long, it wasn’t until a year or so ago that I really started to try to achieve the gyaru look on many more levels. I don’t do it on a daily basis because I don’t think it is practical for my working life and schedule, but I do it when I go out to see my friends. I know I suck, but hey, everyone’s gotta start somewhere, yea?
  7. Jesus is my homie. But I’m a bad friend and I never hit him up unless I am in deep sh*t. I’m such a bad Christian that you can’t really even tell that I’m Christian. I do believe in God however and try my best to go to church every Sunday.

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Thanks for reading.
xoxo Sarah

30 Replies to “The Versatile Blogger Award”

  1. How fab! Congratulations on your nomination and thank you very much for including me 🙂
    I think its awesome you can speak Japanese! I’d love to be fluent in another language, it’s so difficult learning now as apposed to as a child.
    Loved reading about the high school you too 😛

    Best wishes <3

    1. thanks for your comments as always!! love reading them. you can always still learn another language if you just put a little extra effort into it 😉

  2. omg i remember you would pierce your ears over and over until you got it right! haha…you’ll have 10 soon..don’t settle for 9…bad luck number.

    1. haha yea i was crazy back in HS. can’t wait to get our next piercing together!! 😀

  3. Aww, you’re too sweet! I was looking at this post and I realized Tiffany was a guest blogger here! She’s such a cute girl and I always run into her at random places in LA!

    It’s ok, when I was younger I used to be a tomboy and pretty much wore all guy clothes. I had a lot of piercings too, but now I only have a couple lobe piercings and my industrial left! Looking forward to your future posts <3

    1. yes tiffany was my first guest blogger! i actually know her from college~ haha and thats funny that you run into her! aww our worlds are so close to each other, i’m surprised that i haven’t ran into you before (or maybe i have?).

  4. Wooo! Congrats chic! Haha, woah pretty lucky, 888! ^^

    1. loll. i have sooooo many eights in my life. you have no idea. sometimes i think that number is haunting me!

  5. Ni hao ma? So cool infos dear! My family is from Shanghai actually but my great grannies have settled in the Philippines. 🙂 Nice to know. And thanks for the nomination too! Yay! I must really find time to do these stuffs too haha.

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    1. lol, wo hen hao, ni ne? hahaha. thats cool that your family is from shanghai! thats where my mom is from. and yes you should do this!! it was quite easy 🙂

  6. congratz pretty sarah, you deserve this! 😀
    and thank you for giving me the award, i feel much appreciated! i hope we can meet someday <3 <3 xoxo

    1. awww that would be so great if we could meet someday 🙂
      let me know if you ever come to california and i’ll let you know if i go to indonesia! haha

  7. Yay!! Thank you for the tag c: Always good
    to win awards for you blog 😀 Lol I took 4 years
    of French, still not good at it :c I’m going to
    post the 7 facts very soon!


    1. yay! i can’t wait to read your 7 facts 😀
      haha wow 4 years of french.. well, im sure you still know more than me. i only remember “how are you,” “so-so,” and “my name is…” lol

  8. Thank you very much for your nomination 😀 i really appreciated it!
    And congrats! I was a hip hop dancer too in high school 🙂
    Here in Portugal..ever more people are learning mandarin but they say it is very difficult.ahah..but i am sure that portuguese is difficult to learn too for those unfamiliar.

    1. its probably hard because its so different and there are probably some sounds that aren’t used in portuguese! haha but i imagine that portuguese is just as hard to learn 🙂

  9. Thank you! You’re so sweet 🙂
    I feel like you’re my guide to blogging. I hope we can meet soon with Stef!!

    <3 Hayoung

    1. i just talked to stef and we will plan a dinner or something together soon after i get back from hawaii <3

  10. Ahhh thank you again for nominating me! I was obsessed with Koda Kumi and Namie Amuro in high school haha they will always be the queens of Jpop <3

    Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the Liebster Award! If it's too much trouble to fill out since you just filled this blogger award out, I understand, you don't have to do it any time soon, I just wanted to nominate you 😀

    More details on my blog:

    1. ahh thanks for the nomination tiff! haha how fun i get to do another one of these types of posts. you know i never really got into namie amuro for some reason. lol koda kumi all the way!

  11. Thank you sosososososo much! I will give you a shout out and tell 7 more facts even if I posted the award already :). And we have so much in common lol. I have had this piercing obsession too, and I pierced my nose and my ears and nose by my self.
    I’m obsessed with number 9, and Jesus is my homie too even tho i consider myself a reprsesentative of no religion. Jesus is some sorta spirit for me.

    xo, Lara

    1. ah, thats nice of you for doing another post! lol cant wait to read more facts on you. eekk and good job piercing your own nose! i actually dont know if i can pierce myself anymore, haha i think i was just really desperate when i was a kid. also according to chinese culture, i think 9 is a great number too!

  12. Oh sweetie is really interesting know more about you!
    Many thanks for the nomination.


    1. you totally deserved it!

  13. I really want to get my ear pierced (the rook), but I am super scared of pain! I can’t believe you managed to do it yourself, I wish I could too ^-^

    1. I like to think that pain doesn’t last. U can’t stop time from moving on and pain will soon be past. Also, I bought a piercing gun from Sally’s beauty supply to pierce my ears when I was a kid. Haha I feel like that should have been illegal for me to buy.

  14. Aww thanks for nominating me! I’ve been tagged a few times already haha should really get to it~ Nice post! And LOL your last fact just precisely summarized my religion. hahahaha

    1. Haha cool happy to hear that I’m not alone. And u should do the post so I can learn more about u!

  15. Ohhh yeah number 2 is me as well! But I think I’m starting to be weird around people I’ve just met too… O.o Thanks for nominating! Will get to it!

    1. hahaha i think i weird people out all the time =___= i feel like i’ve lost some social skills after college, either that or i just don’t care anymore.

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