Rainbow Sprinkles Mini Donut Muffin Recipe

valentines day mini donut muffin receipe

OMG~ I’m slowly becoming domesticated. Is this a preview of my life to come after marriage?! Haha, I’m usually somewhat of a slob, but believe it or not I’ve been cleaning and cooking this whole week. WOW~ That’s really weird. Strange. Idk. Maybe it’s because its February, lol.

This post is a recipe for what I made Erick for Valentine’s Day. Hehehe, awww~ Aren’t I so cute. Plus, who doesn’t love friggin’ R.A.I.N.B.O.W.S.P.R.I.N.K.L.E.S?! LOL honestly I just made this because I got a tip on what my gift was and figured I needed to step it up. I’ll show you what I got for Valentine’s Day soon enough!

Update on my upcoming wedding: Our honeymoon has been booked!! We will be flying the day after our wedding to Aruba! Yay, I can’t wait for all of this to be over and to finally get to relax on the white sandy beaches.

Oh, and guess what, I’m moving to Northern California. Eekk, I don’t know if I wanna move there, but I’ll be starting my married life far (well not really that far) from home. Time to make new friends~ holla if you’re from the bay!

valentines day mini donut muffin receipe

Ingredients for Mini Donut Muffins:

  • 1 cup of all purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 3 pinches of cinnamon (don’t do more than 3 pinches, but less is okay)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 6 tablespoons of whole milk (or buttermilk)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract (for donut muffin)
  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • 1/4 cup (1.75 oz) of Betty Crockers Rainbow Mix (less is okay)
  • 1/2 cup of powdered sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract (for glaze)
  • 2 tablespoons of milk
  • Optional: Betty Crockers Nonpareil

Yield: 24 Mini Donut Muffins
Cooking Time: Less than 1 hour

valentines day mini donut muffin receipe

In a mixing bowl, combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt together.

valentines day mini donut muffin receipe

Next, melt the butter in either a pot or in the microwave and transfer it to another bowl that is not hot. Then add the 1 teaspoon of vanilla, milk, and beat the egg in. To make sure the mix is not hot, place the entire bowl into the freezer for a couple of minutes to allow it to cool quickly.

valentines day mini donut muffin receipe

After taking the bowl out of the freezer, you can now mix in the rainbow mix. It’s important for the mix to not be too hot because it can melt the rainbow mix, and that would not be fun.

valentines day mini donut muffin receipe

Now you can add all of the mixture from your bowl into your large mixing bowl with all of the powdered contents. Stir everything together until it’s all combined, but make sure not to over mix!

valentines day mini donut muffin receipe

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees and coat your tray with cooking spray. I don’t have cooking spray so I moistened a paper towel with cooking oil and wiped down my tray. I’m using a mini muffin tray, but you can use whatever you want really. Just keep in mind that cooking times may vary if you use something else.

valentines day mini donut muffin receipe

Using a spoon, evenly distribute the mix into each of the muffin wells. Once you’re done, it’s time to pop your tray into the oven and set it to bake!

valentines day mini donut muffin receipe

Your baked goods should be done within 10-12 minutes.

valentines day mini donut muffin receipe

Allow the mini donut muffins to cool in the tray for a few minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely.

valentines day mini donut muffin receipe

While you’re waiting for your mini donut muffins to either bake or cool, you should be busy making the glaze. Good news is it’s very simple to do!

In a small bowl, combine the powdered sugar, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla and milk, and mix together.

valentines day mini donut muffin receipe

Time to decorate!! Decorating is easy and there’s no wrong way to do it. You can either dunk the whole thing in glaze like a glorious donut hole, or keep it simple and just coat the top half of it like a cupcake. Use as much of the nonpareil sprinkles as you would like. I think it really adds a lot taste and look wise. Don’t forget, you can even glaze, dry, and re-glaze if you want it to have a really nice coat.

valentines day mini donut muffin receipe

Don’t forget to enjoy it while it’s fresh! But of course, you can still enjoy it the next day too, just make sure to wrap your goods.

valentines day mini donut muffin receipe

Have a super sweet Valentine’s Day and I hope you all enjoyed the recipe!

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Thanks for reading!
xoxo Sarah

10 Replies to “Rainbow Sprinkles Mini Donut Muffin Recipe”

  1. Oh wow sweetie this recipe is very easy, and looks very delicious!

    1. it really is super easy!! hope you enjoy~

  2. I’m sorry, but you can’t POSSIBLY be a “graphic designer” and use comic sans on your posts. I had to do a double take. You clearly have 0 exposure to the world of graphic design.

    1. We’ll I’m sorry to tell you that I am a graphic designer, and I have years of experience working professionally in the industry for companies such as Mattel, Sanrio, & Unilever. I know most designers hate comic sans, but this is not a blog for designers, it’s for gyaru and all things kawaii. If you don’t like what you see, then GTFO!

  3. thanks for sharing the recipe 😀

    gonna try bake it soon!


    1. awesome! hope it turns out well 😀

  4. LittleBlueFlowerBeauty says: Reply

    Mmmmmmmmmm ^.^ – http://littleblueflowerbeauty.blogspot.co.uk/

    1. mmMm indeed!

  5. yum! yum! yum!!! 😀 wish i had me some right now. (i really should learn how to bake.)

    1. baking isn’t too hard actually! and that’s coming from someone who doesn’t really bake at all. maybe once a year is my max? haha~ give it a try 🙂

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