EOS Max Pure Brown Circle Lens Review

eos max pure brown circle lens review gyaru

Hello~ I’m here with a circle lens review for this week.

Got this pair sponsored from LoveShoppingholics.com. They have always been a reliable source for circle lens, and they have a great selection. I recommend checking them out if you’re in need of some new contacts!

This is what I got in the mail. It was neatly packaged in a cute clear plastic bag. Inside was this purple bag and a cute little thank you note.

eos max pure brown circle lens review gyaru

The purple bag contained the circle lens (neatly wrapped in bubble) and contact case. Doesn’t the case remind you of Tree Trunks from Adventure Time?

eos max pure brown circle lens review gyaru

Anyways, the circle lens that I got from Love Shoppingholics is the EOS Max Pure Brown. You can buy it from their website for about ~$24.

While I was in contact with the company before my wedding date, I had asked them to recommend me a brown lens that looked natural, while also enhancing the eye subtly. The EOS Max Pure Brown was their recommendation, and it was spot on!

eos max pure brown circle lens review gyaru

A little info about the lens:

  • Available Colors: Pink, Gray, Brown, Violet, Green, Blue
  • Diameter: 14.5mm
  • Water Content: 38%
  • Base Curve: 8.8mm
  • Life Span: 1 year disposal**

**I don’t recommend keeping these lens for a full year, but instead you should aim to switch after 3-4 months

eos max pure brown circle lens review gyaru

The design of the EOS Max Pure is the most basic of basics for circle lens. Nothing fancy or innovative in comparison to the new and popular lens on the market. However, the design that they do have is tried and true. It works, and there really isn’t much else to it.

If you are looking for — hands down — the most natural circle lens that I’ve ever come across, this is it! Look no further. If I could get married again, I would do it in this pair of lens.

eos max pure brown circle lens review gyaru

Looking at the color of these lens, it would appear that the brown is warmer and more orange than what would be considered natural. But I gotta admit, I was thrown off when I put this pair on because it blended so well with my natural brown eyes.

At first look, I noticed a considerable enlargement for the 14.5mm diameter. Further, the color really enhanced my natural tones and helped create some depth to my eyes. I would say that it looks pretty damn believable.

This is one of those lenses that you can wear to a party with a lot of non-asians, and not get questions or comments regarding your eye color. Men would simply not notice that you are wearing circle lens, S-W-E-E-T!

eos max pure brown circle lens review gyaru

Oh and whether you have light or dark brown eyes, these lens would look great with both! It’s a perfect color that would combo well with either extremes. Trust me, and just check it out.

Moving forward, here are a few different lightings for you to see how the EOS Max Pure looks. Look’s pretty good in each of them, right? I think this pair passes the test.

eos max pure brown circle lens review gyaru

EOS Max Pure Brown Overall Rating: ★★★★★
Color:  ★★★★★
Enlargement: ★★★★★
Comfort: ★★★★★
Natural-ness: ★★ 

eos max pure brown circle lens review gyaru

What are your thoughts on the EOS Max Pure Brown circle lens?
Have you tried this series before?

Buy EOS Max Pure now

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xoxo Sarah 


19 Replies to “EOS Max Pure Brown Circle Lens Review”

  1. Oh very cute and natural circle lenses!

    1. yes~ sooo natural. never knew it could look this real.

  2. Ooooh they do look pretty damn believable! These are lovely, thanks for sharing! *__* Natural brown lens are boring but i looove it

    1. hahaha yea, they are pretty boring, but there is a time and place when they come in handy! and this one does the job amazingly 😀

  3. Beautiful and so natural lenses, suits you so perfectly :3

    Thank you for the review.

    I have also tried these lenses too and agree on your rating ^^

    恵美より ♥

    1. thanks so much for your input! glad that we agree on the rating.

  4. That is a really nice colour and it suits you well. Looks so natural! ^__^


    1. thank you! 🙂

  5. i’m really impressed! i am never able to put liquid liner on my lower eyelids. so guess what, i had a dream last night that my boy friend and i were in san fransisco! standing on the golden gate bridge!!! too funny.

    1. haha i’m actually realllyyy bad at putting liquid eyeliner on my lower lid. it usually takes me more than 5x’s the effort and a bit of makeup remover. where are you from?

  6. Omg these look so natural on you!!! I had the same series in Blue, and they were so alien on me – the rays of blue just didn’t blend at all! And the limbal ring isn’t too obvious on this ~ thanks for the review, I may give this a go next year!^^

    1. yea these lenses are amazingly natural. i still cant believe how real it looks! i’m wearing them right now too. every time i look in the mirror, i can hardly tell that i’m wearing lenses. and at the same time, i don’t feel like my eyes look naked from lack of enlargement!

  7. Aww, so cute! i love it because are so natural! 😀
    You’re so pretty :3
    Have a nice day honey!

    1. thanks melanie! have a great day yourself 🙂

  8. These lenses are great and natural! Perfect for your wedding 🙂 Good luck and congrats for the big day!

    hope we can follow each other 😀
    Please follow my blog ‘Heylinni’ at:
    If you’d like, I’ll follow you back 🙂 Bloggers should support each other x

  9. I saw these lenses but didn’t buy it because it looks quite light in the picture of the lenses alone. But they look sooo natural on the eyes, I wouldn’t have thought! It seems super good, I will definitely keep my eyes on them to buy soon :3

    Neko Bunny U=・ x ・=U

    1. i totally would have thought the exact same thing as you fernanda! it does look light, right? i’m surprised how natural it looks. if you end up buying, i’m curious to see how it looks on your eyes as well. have a great day 🙂

  10. the lenses look gorgeous on you! so natural and yet so dolly-eyed; you’re like a K-pop starlet 🙂 What would really be awesome is if you could (pretty please) do a tutorial on your eye makeup in those pics (it’s perfect!)

    i’m totally contemplating placing an order with Love Shoppingholics now (I’m hapa and that style of eye makeup + the lens color seems like they would suit me really well) btw, how long did it take you to receive your package?

    Thanks for everything, I’m loving your site 🙂

    1. such sweet compliments! you’re spoiling me <333 i will try to do a tutorial on similar eye makeup (lol i don't know if i can replicate it 100%).

      as for shipping, they sent my package out on March 17th (from Germany?!) and arrived at my place April 1st (in California). maybe not the fastest if you need it within the week, but the price is reasonable. i do love these lenses tho, and i'm sure you would look beautiful in them!! haha, and yes i know i dont know what you look like, but i do like these lens 🙂

      thanks for reading, Sumi <3

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