We are now on Day 3 of our Hawaii Trip, which is a Sunday. After a quick breakfast, we grab our snorkel gear and head west in search of Pupiku Beach. We end up walking about a mile or two… On the way as usual, there are lots of chickens and roosters. We also find […]
North America
Day Two: Exploring Kauai’s Coast & A Dinner Party

I just wanted to say… TODAY (5/3) IS MY OFFICIAL LAST DAY OF WORK!! Yay! I’m so excited for the things to come! Haha, okay that’s all. Now it’s Hawaii time!! Yeeeyuhhh~ So on Saturday we woke up early to set off to explore Kauai! It was actually very very stormy that morning in Kauai. […]
Day One: Arriving in Kauai, Hawaii

Hi everyone! I’m finally back with a post! I have a lot of Hawaii photos from my dSLR, iPhone, and also GoPro. So I hope you don’t mind if I’m separating my trip into days. I’ll try to group up certain days or activities as best as I can though! There’s so much that I […]
Big Bear California Winter Playtime

Last month, I was blessed with a delightful weekend up in the snowy mountains of Big Bear, California. It was one of the coldest weekends of winter, with record lows. We had quite a journey making our way over to the cabin after work on Friday, but we eventually got there. Much of our time […]
24-Hours In Sin City

In December, I went to Las Vegas with a few of my friends. It was one of those weekends where everyone you know is going to be there. Unfortunately, I was unable to spend more than one night in Vegas, so I decided to hit up a few of my girls to see who was […]
Cruise To Mexico (Part 3 of 3)

Finally, part 3 of my Cruise to Mexico. ahh, at last ~ I am happy to be finally done with editing my Mexico photos. Just a quick update… I will be having another giveaway coming soon. Most likely, the giveaway will be posted up sometime this weekend. Ok, let’s get started already!!! Day 6: Cabo […]
Cruise To Mexico (Part 2 of 3)

How have you guys been? Gosh, editing all of these photos and putting together these blog posts for my cruise trip have proved to be so much work!! Lol, it makes me not want to go on vacation anymore and take so many photos >.<* too bad that will never happen~ hehe I’m writing all […]
Cruise To Mexico (Part 1 of 3)

So as you all probably know, I recently went on a 7-day cruise to Mexico! There are sooooo many photos! OMG these 3 posts on my trip are taking just about the same amount of time as the length of my trip! Haha~ Alright, I am going to break up my cruise into 3 separate […]
Spontaneous Day at Abalone Cove, California

When the weather is nice, it’s great to go out and enjoy it! On Sunday, my boyfriend and I decided to head over to Long Beach to go to an arcade that we went to last New Year’s Eve to spend our tickets that we won from playing games. On the drive over, I had […]
Weekend Adventures in Big Bear!

For my boyfriend’s birthday, I helped plan a weekend for us and a group of friends to go up to a cabin house in Big Bear! The house was beautiful… and had enough beds to sleep 16 people. It was a lot higher up in the mountains than most of the other cabins in Big […]