So I wrote this blog post several weeks ago.. but was never able to publish it, but here it is now! (btw, this is a really crappy blog post that you are most likely not interested in unless you are a tennis nerd).
I went to Indian Wells in Palm Springs for the weekend with my boyfriend. He surprised me with a weekend mini vacation and tickets to the BNP Paribas Tennis Open.
On Friday, I left work a little earlier so that we could get a head start on our tripped. But of course, we all know how bad traffic coming from LA can get. It took us several hours just to get to diamond bar. We ended up eating BCD Tofu House for dinner because we couldn’t wait any longer. By the time we got to our hotel room, it was already almost 10pm. We were pretty exhausted from sitting in the car all day long, but we decided to party anyways. Lol, we didn’t (or more like I) didn’t last very long and ended up falling asleep soon after we started drinking.
The hotel room was pretty though. Here are a few horrible pictures of the place. I was kinda bummed out this weekend because I brought my Cannon T2i on the trip (I rarely ever use this camera), and I forgot that there was no SD Card in it!! So I couldn’t take any pictures. Epic Fail. Anyways, so I only have photos taken from mine and my boyfriends cell phones. They came out okay though..
On Saturday, we headed out to the BNP Paribas Open event. I knew we should have stopped by the ATM on the way to grab some cash, but we didn’t. When we got to the parking lot (which we forgot all about), they only accepted cash and we didn’t have any! It was such a b*tch getting to the parking lot too. To make a long story short, we somehow magically got free parking! ガ━━Σ(゚Д゚|||)━━ン!! LOL~ Who would have guessed that by not bringing money, that would happen?
Anyways, we spent the whole day at the Tennis Open. More specifically, we were there around 10am until after 6pm. All friggin’ day. It was soooo hot too. Look at how hot it looks when we took this photo!
I was totally baking in the sun when we were sitting in the stadium watching Roddick play against Kubot. Can’t believe we sat through most of the game.
Although most of the day was deathly hot, we managed to get by with beer and margaritas. This margarita was so yummy but also deathly packed with brain freezes. Lol and yes we did take this glass home with us! (not sure if we were supposed to though..)
We watched a decent amount of games. There were 8 main stadiums and a bunch of smaller courts. I got to watch about 8 tennis matches? Originally I was going to update this post with the list of who I watched play and photos from each tennis match.. But you probably don’t care too much to see them.. Let me know if you do want to however. I have tons of videos from all of the tennis matches that I watched and I don’t know what to do with them..
I would say the best match ever was the last one! So horribly entertaining. And I loved watching the guy in the orange from the pony tail team. Lol.
After spending the entire day at the BNP Paribas Open, we decided to go to Buffalo Wild Wing for dinner. I’ve NEVER eaten there before. So I was super excited. Yum yum yum, felt like I gained 10 lbs. after those wedge fries, wings, and beer.(;_・)
When we got back to the hotel room. We began our day two of partying in the hotel room. Haha, this night turned out better since I was not as tired as I was on Friday. Totally didn’t know about daylight savings however. So when I looked at the clock and saw that it was 3:45am, I was super duper shocked (O_O;)! I couldn’t figure it out, lol! I thought that I must have been really drunk or something and time passed by hella fast. At least I figured this all out the next morning..
Sunday was a nice relaxing day. We at some breakfast outside by the pool and prepared for our long drive back. I’m happy because I got to get some shopping into the weekend. I didn’t buy much though. I had to restrain myself from buying another pair of shoes, a purse, and a bunch of necklaces.
After all that shopping (mostly walking around), we were hungry so we decided to spoil ourselves at yard house. We got some more beer and lots of food. Haha, beer will be the death of my dieting.
At night we had dinner with my boyfriend’s mom for her birthday. I bought her a cake, it looked really pretty but I am feeling lazy to get the photo from my other camera..
Once the long weekend was over, we got to my apartment and drank more. Alcoholics much? We also watched the movie “The Descendants.” I liked it a lot, my boyfriend, not so much. And there went my whole entire weekend. Because by the time the movie was over, it was already 1am and I was ready to KTFO.
:heart: sarah