Quarter Century Birthday at Perch Rooftop in Los Angeles!

perch rooftop bar view

AUGUST!! My favorite month of the year. Why? Because it’s my birthday month. And yes, I really do spoil myself for an entire month.

So what makes this (turning 25) birthday different from all the other ones? Well let’s see…

  • 18 years old – you’re officially legal and can buy cigarettes 
  • 21 years old – you can now buy alcohol
  • 22-24 years old – you don’t even care to keep track anymore
  • 25 years old – holy crap, that’s a quarter of a century!

Things that I started thinking about was how much longer I have to live. I’m not really a quarter through my life since I probably wont live to 100 (although my grandfather did live to 104), which then made me think, oh no I have even less time. Oh but thankfully Erick stopped me in my chain of semi-depressing thoughts to say, “hey, but didn’t the past 25 years feel like forever? I mean, you can’t even remember most of it can you? Just imagine 50+ more years.” So true…

Alright enough about my strange thoughts on age. This year, I ended up celebrating my birthday with my good friend Jiawen at the Perch, located in downtown Los Angeles.

perch rooftop bar view

Perch is a restaurant and a rooftop lounge at night. The view from the rooftop is beautiful and classy, but the big downside is that if you don’t show up early, there’s a long line to get in. And when I say long… I mean really long.

First theres one elevator to go up… then another elevator to go up some more… now you’re in the restaurant floor, but you gotta go up some more stairs to get to the rooftop. So if you come late, you can end up waiting in a line for all 3 of these steps! That’s pretty rough.

On the flip side, if you arrive early and are able to avoid these lines, say around 9pm, you get to enjoy the rooftop! The rooftop is very enjoyable because they purposely cap that amount of people allowed so that you don’t feel like its crowded at all. There are places to sit and lots of open space. Oh and you can look down and see the live music playing on the restaurant level. The night that we went, there was also a concert going on, so thats what that crowd of tiny dots is in the top left corner of the photo below.

live music at perch los angeles

I’m so grateful to have such awesome friends who came out to celebrate with me.

It was a good night of drinks and toasting! I thankfully didn’t get wasted and do anything stupid on this birthday (win for me). I just had a bunch of jack and cokes and maybe 3 shots.

Haha, this is me after I took a sip of my new “jack and coke” and realized that it was all whiskey. It wasn’t bad but it also wasn’t really what I was expecting.

Me and the *husband* lol.

This order doesn’t work with our acronyms! I thought it was supposed to be B.S.T.! Lol, this is Teewa, Sarah, Bori.


Me and my pledge sister from my college sorority. She’s a cutie and we need to go hiking together soon!

pledge sisters

Ahh~ I think I was trying to hug the other birthday girl, Jiawen. Lol she was probably pretty buzzed in this photo since she’s a one shot wondaa~

These are all of the girls that came out for our birthday. I think we may be missing a couple? But it’s almost everyone!!

girls at perch los angeles

Oh and a special birthday wish to one of my closest friends, Hayley! I love her to death. I’m not even joking. Too bad her birthday is the day before mine so we always celebrate it on the same weekend.

She got me the cutest gift ever! Star Wars lightsaber chop sticks! Omg, I don’t even wanna eat with them. Honestly, I just have little lightsaber fights during my free time when I see it.

star wars chopstick light sabers

Thanks Michelle for getting me these awesome Pop! Star Wars vinyl bobble-heads. Yes I have a vinyl toy collection in my room. I actually have a dedicated glass casing for all of my toys. Hehe, I need to figure out where to put this stormtrooper and yoda!

pop star wars stormtrooper and yoda

Thanks Teewa for my new favorite shirt and sweater. I’m not sure about the MAC eyelashes, but we’ll see. But the shirt is awesome because it shows off all of my tattoos, hehehe. And the sweater is such a cute side, plus your right, the inside is so cute!!! Please be my personal shopper from now on!

victorias secret pink

Here’s some things that I got from my family. My mom and brother got me red envelopes, my two aunts got me Macy’s gift card, and my sister-in-law got me a Fossil wallet.

macys gift cards, red envelopes, fossil wallet

HA~ my dad is funny. He gave me random things that he found around the house. Thanks dad…


Awww and here are some very thoughtful surprises!! Thanks Doug for mailing me this Super Mario World toy that can hold things in it!! Eekkk, I gotta think of what to put in it now. The ideas are endless!!

Oh and thank you so much Vivian for buying me so many cute undies! Why so many thongs!? LOL wp-monalisa icon

Also, I guess I should say thank you again to Erick for getting me my new MacBook Pro that I am typing on now as we speak. I love it so much and I hope that it will help me be more productive on my travels.

macbook pro

Two weekends ago, I also had the opportunity to fly to Vegas and see my sister, Penny! Thanks so much for treating me out to a facial, massage, and mani-pedi for my birthday. I’ve never had such a royal treatment before!! I loved it.

baskin robins 31 ice cream cake

Nom nom nom~ here’s my cake. It’s ice cream cake! Can you guess what kind?? Cookies and Cream!

Lastly, I just wanted to show you guys my new business card that I made for my blog in case you are interested. Do you like? Haha I think I’ve been needing these for a long while, so I’m so happy to have them now. Next thing I need to make are some stickers and maybe pins??

xlicious girl beauty blogger business card design

And this concludes my birthday post. I’ll be flying to New York tomorrow, and then flying to Florida afterwards. I have scheduled a post or two for the time that I am away. I’ll see you all after and hopefully have some photos to share with you all on my trip!

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Thanks for reading!
xoxo Sarah

10 Replies to “Quarter Century Birthday at Perch Rooftop in Los Angeles!”

  1. Ahhh I want a business card! Reminds me that I have
    to make my own as well..
    Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It looks like you had a
    nice one c; The gifts looks great! Those Star Wars
    chopsticks, I’m gonna put those on my wishlist really
    haha ;P Xx http://icepandora.blogspot.com

    1. yea those star wars chopsticks are awesome!
      and thanks for the bday wish~
      make some business cards and post them! im sure yours would be so beautiful!!

  2. Happy Birthday dear, I hope many happy years more and Continues inspirandome.No is how I will take upon reaching 25 years as I have only 20 and I feel very self. My best wishes to you in this new year of your life,
    Oh I love your business card.
    By the way today I got my prize in your giveaway, thank you very much you are very pretty.


    1. thanks for the bday wish! the 20s are so much fun because thats when you really get to learn more about yourself. things you never knew! glad you like your prize <3

  3. yeeeeee happy 25th birthday! i’m glad you like the gifts! ya and my bad with the eyelashes. it looked pretty at the store but i took a look at it later and i realized it was not dramatic enough T T but i didn’t wanna deal with the exchanging it. haha but you can find a better one that suits you with the gift receipt! :] <3

    1. haha thanks again teewa! i wore your clothes while i was on vacation. everyone loves that shirt too, especially erick cuz he can reach inside =___=

  4. happy bday pretty sarah! i miss you so much! i hope we can meet up someday 😀
    LA seems to be a nice place to hangout ^^

    1. ahh that would be great if we could meet someday. come out to LA!

  5. Happy birthday cutie! You look so cute in that badass blazer! Man I’ve been getting the aging woes since I turned 21… LOL but it’s true, there’s still so much time ahead, and you seem to be living life! Your cards are so cute! Love the colors *A*

    1. thanks girl! ahaha you cant get the aging woes at 21! omg lollll. its still all uphill from here!! 😀

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