I KNOW, I KNOW~ Halloween is over… but… I haven’t made my post yet on Halloween! Jeez, it always feels like right when Halloween is over, all of the Christmas festivities take over. I remember shopping at the mall a week before Halloween, and there were already Christmas decorations at Macy’s! Wow, like seriously? Does […]
Corgi Corner: My Halloween Costume

Yay, today is Halloween. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! I was planning on posting some pictures from my own Halloween weekend (I’ll do this next post), but I decided to do something a little more fun and cute. What’s cuter than our fury little friend, Dumpling the Corgi!! We weren’t planning on doing anything this year for Halloween (even […]
GAL VIP Magazine

I think this is a great idea. Finally a gyaru magazine for gaijin gyarus! If you haven’t heard of it yet, I’m talking about GAL VIP Magazine. They already have their first issue out for the month of September. Download the September issues online for free: here (password: galvip109) The magazine is pretty good for a first […]
My Life Up To Speed (well, most of it)

Life has been busy. What suuucccks is that it took me so long to get all of these photos together and to write about them… that now my life has moved on and you are all no longer “caught up.” Gah~ it’s so hard! I need more time in my life to blog AND do all […]
Alternative BC Option: IUD

**UPDATE (10/14/13): I had the IUD removed due to acne side effect. About 6 months after the insertion of the IUD, I began breaking out all over my face and even a little on my back! Eventually I couldn’t take it any longer and I removed the IUD myself. You are supposed to get it […]
Corgi Corner: Who’s in the Box?

Queen – Another One Bites the Dust, this is unofficially Dumpling’s theme song for now.. and it goes… *dump-dump-dump, dumpling in a box! (x2) and another one gone, and another one gone, dumpling in a box, Hey!* Hahaha~ ok, I’m done.. but look what I got in the mail?? WHATS INSIDE?! WHATS INSIDE?! Well.. Lets […]
My Vegas Birthday Weekend

For my 24th Birthday, I went to LAS VEGAS to celebrate with a group of friends. I had an amazing time. Let me share a bit of the craziness for those of you who didn’t get to attend. FRIDAY We checked into our hotel room at the Bellagio. I tried the $20 sandwich tip trick and […]
Anime Expo – Maid Cafe (Part 3 of 3)

Special Edition: AX Maid Cafe ~*Blog Entry*~ So some of you might be wondering, how do you become a maid, host or photographer at the Anime Expo Maid Cafe? It’s really not too complicated, you just have to answer some questions, send in one video and a photo of yourself. APPLICATION PROCESS This year, the application was […]
Happy Hour & Dodgers Day on the House!

DAY 1: This was a good week at work. On Tuesday after a long company wide meeting, we had happy hour at Rush Street in Culver City, CA. Upon arrival at our usual happy hour spot, we received wristbands allowing us to order anything we want (alcoholic drinks included!!) on the company tab. Too bad I don’t […]
Anime Expo (Part 2 of 3)

One of the most fun things to do at Anime Expo in my opinion, is to look at people’s cosplay outfits!! Here are some photos that we were able to capture. I hope you enjoyed the cosplay photos! I really want to cosplay next year… But then again, I say this every year, lol. […]