I think this girl is so cute! My coworker saw this picture just now and thought it was horrifying.. But I think its so awesome! I totally love how she’s so colorful. Cotton candy pink hair is one of my favorite colors for hair. And lime green is my favorite color in general, so I […]
Candy Doll Cheek Color (Strawberry Pink) Review

In my recent Sasa.com haul, I purchased the Candy Doll Cheek Color blush in Strawberry Pink. I paid $16.30 for it, not including tax and shipping. Originally, I saw this particular blush in one of my Egg magazines, worn by Ericyosu. Cute, huh? Here are some of the other products that she is using. But […]
FOTD: Cute Bleach Blonde Gyaru

Pretty cute, I gotta admit. I love her lens color too. It’s such a brilliant and bright turquoise/blue color. Also, I love how perfect her skin looks! I’m pretty sure it’s photoshopped though, but who cares right? I can’t imagine anyone being human and having that kind of poreless and flawless skin. Regardless however, she […]
Koji Dolly Wink Liquid Eyeliner (Deep Black) Review

A while back I ran out of all my liquid eyeliners. I was left with using either my mac pencil eyeliner or my maybelline eye studio gel eyeliner. But now, finally! I bought a new liquid pen eyeliner! I finally have the Koji Dolly Wink Liquid Eyeliner in deep black. I wanted to try this […]
FOTD: Smiling Gyarus

I always thought this was a cute picture. But every time I look at this picture, I get pissed off looking at their legs. How the hell do they have such skinny legs!? I guess at least its not overly skinny like a lot of other gyaru’s that I’ve seen, but hot damn. I want […]
Harajuku Holiday @ Royal/T by Tune in Tokyo

Last week I went to the Harajuku Holiday event at Royal/T cafe in Culver City, hosted by Tune in Tokyo. Sorry I took so long to write about this event. To be honest I was dreading having to prepare all of the random photos that were taken at Harajuku Holiday (~_~;) At the event Harajuku […]
Palty Natural Brown Bleach Hair Dye Review

So last week I dyed my hair using the Palty Natural Brown Bleach (パルティナチュラルブラウンブリイーチ) hair dye. I’ve been wanting to try out this brand of hair dye for years, but haven’t until now. My hair didn’t lighten as much as I was hoping and expecting it to, but it did even out the color and was […]
Shibuya Lovers Night @ Garden Suite Hotel Bar

Recently I attended Tune In Tokyo’s Shibuya Lovers Night Valentines Day event at the Garden Suite Hotel Bar, Purple. The venue was super small compared to how I would have imagined it to be. But none the less, it was still very pretty. I especially loved the bottles that covered the walls. They changed colors too! […]
♥ Valentines Day ♥

Happy Valentines Day everyone! I’m not really a big fan of this holiday, but I do appreciate it when people go out of their way to do a kind gesture. One of my friend’s girlfriend made me and a few others cupcakes! And I must admit, these are the best that I’ve ever had. The […]
First Time Using Fake Nails

So I recently decided to try using fake nails. I actually really like my natural nails a lot. But I wanted to try having super duper long nails that are impossible for me to grow out. They are pretty, and I am typing with them right now. My nails are now almost 1 inch long!! […]