!! H A P P Y . F O R T H . O F . J U L Y !! Today I have a special 4th of July themed circle lens review for you. I got the Lulu Pink circle lens sponsored from Klenspop.com. Klenspop also sent me another circle lens product for review, […]
Danni Professional Mousse Concealer Review

Earlier today I messaged my friend saying, “Happy Hump Day!” — and she replied back saying that today doesn’t count as a hump day since it’s a shorter work week. Oh well, at least I’m grateful for the shorter work week because of Independence Day! Are you gals doing anything special for 4th of July? […]
My Lipgloss Is Poppin’, Bright Pink FTW!

Hello Everyone! Sorry I wasn’t able to do another post earlier this week, I’ve been so busy with my new job and had to stay later to attend some meetings (which is why you’re getting this post on a Saturday!). Today I have a lipgloss review for you. This product was sponsored to me by […]
New Job, New Firmoo Glasses!

Good Morning I’m happy to present to you my new glasses that I will be wearing to my new job at Cisco. As I’ve mentioned before in the past, it’s very bad to wear contacts (especially circle lens) day after day and for long hours. I can’t stress more to you on this matter. I’ve […]
Trip to Memphis, Tennessee!

Hello~ I failed to do a blog post last week, so I am going to attempt to publish two posts for this week! I’ve been working at Cisco now for two weeks, and today marks the start of my third. So far I’m loving my new job and I’ve had the opportunity to work on […]
First Class (J-Drama), Army of Two & Final Fantasy IX (PS3), Cosplay Idea, & My New Job

This is basically a D i a r y P o s t, mostly because I don’t have anything prepared and I feel that I should publish a blog post for this week! My goal as of late has been to do one post a week. This week I’m a bit behind as I’m still trying […]
Etude House Nymph Aura Volumer (#1 Pure) Review

Morning~! Today I’m going to review *ETUDE HOUSE Nymph Aura Volumer* Ughhh~ I can’t get over how effing cute the box design is!!! I just want to take the colors and paint my whole life with it, lol. I’m sorry I don’t have more photos of the outside of the box since I didn’t think it […]
Gyaru Eye Make In 13 Easy Steps

Hello! I actually don’t do many tutorials since I don’t think I’m as skilled as others, but since Sumi requested one, here’s my gyaru eye makeup tutorial in 13 easy steps! Moving onto the eye tutorial… Here’s a quick gif on the eye transformation. Haha, I just thought it would be pretty cool to see […]
OOTD: Forever 21

Been looking for a new graphic design job in the Bay Area, but haven’t really looked hard enough. Getting more serious with my searches now however, and have been getting better results! While I’m not job searching, I’m doing other things such as online shopping (yea, I know I shouldn’t be) and playing games. But […]
YouTube: Dirty Looks Hair Extensions Review

Dirty Looks is a hair extensions company that provides only the highest quality clip in hair extensions. All of the extensions are made with 100% Remy Human Hair, and is the best in the industry. The hair extensions were kindly sponsored to me by Dirty Looks, however all opinions in this review are my own. Thanks so […]