If you haven’t noticed already, I recently updated my layout. I really hated my old blog layout header and was in dire need of a new one. I actually had this header designed months ago, but failed to ever put it up because I wanted to do a photo shoot to incorporate myself into the […]
Are You Hungry For Change?

I don’t know about you, but I am ready for some change in my life. Yes, I know this could just be the “new years resolution me” talking… but hey, I really DO want change! Just this past Wednesday, the gym at my company officially opened. I decided to go in for a lunch time […]
“3.. 2.. 1.. Happy New Year!!!” My NYE Party Extravaganza!

According to Chinese superstition, if you are born the year of the dragon, 2012 was supposed to be a bad year for you (since 2012 was the year of the dragon, again). I don’t think last year was that bad for me… just a big car accident (my first), the worst thing that could ever happen (I […]
10 New Year’s Resolutions From A 20-Something Year Old

Happy New Year! Wow — we are now in the year 2013! *shock* This is my first blog post of the year! Seems like the year has come and gone by so quickly. Who would have thought that the moment that you start working in the “real world,” that the years would go by in a blink […]
Parcel Exchange With Kirstie-Ann

Recently I received a package from Kirstie-Ann of Petit Papillon De Nuit. By the way, if you haven’t been to her blog, it’s simply amazing! I’ve been visiting PPDN over the last several months and have seen how much it has grown and changed. It truly is one of my favorites and definitely a blog […]
Spreading More Christmas Cheer

So Christmas is now over.. but my Christmas related posts are not, lol. I’m sorry, I can’t post that quickly!! I feel like I should be writing about New Years and what not, but to be honest, that probably won’t come until early January. You know how I roll~ Ok, now onto my Christmas.. My […]
My Company’s Christmas Party PWNs Urs

I don’t know about all you girls.. But I’m probably older than you? I think most of you are all students still. I started working a little under two years ago (I’m 24 now) for a shopper engagement advertising firm based in LA. This is my second year of attending company holiday parties. Most work […]
Slang Words Every Gyaru Should Know

If you are into gyaru style, I am assuming that you have some experience with Japanese culture. This experience could be taking a Japanese language course, visiting Japan, having international friends from Japan, or simply from watching Japanese shows or anime. Today we are going to learn some ギャル語 (gyarugo), meaning gyaru or gal lingo. […]
My Christmas Wishlist

So Christmas is right around the corner, and everyone has been posting their Christmas wish lists. I’ve decided that I want to make a wish list as well! These are things that I like, but I either wouldn’t buy it because of the price or can’t because of the price! LOL. Maybe someone out there […]
Catching Up On Life, Again

Yes, yes, another diary post. Not like anyone cares about my diary posts anyways though, right? I’m just writing this for myself because I’m too lazy to keep a real diary, and I don’t really have any deep dark secrets that I have to hide from anyone. My life is an open book. I got […]